Message from Benjamin Fulford


Monday, October 21, 2013

Benjamin Fulford - October 21, 2013: Like a junkie selling family heirlooms the US corporate government buys time

The US corporate government and the mafia families that own it managed to stave off default on October 17th by acting like a junkie selling family heirlooms to a pawnshop in order to buy a few more days’ worth of drugs. In one example, they sold a whole bunch of state of the art helicopters, including Blackhawks and Apaches to China for an undisclosed sum, according to Pentagon sources. Partial confirmation of this can be found here:


These same fascist families also sold a bunch of cruise missiles and cluster bombs to the totalitarian gulf monarchies.


The Rothschild branch of these families, for its part, worked out a deal where the Chinese would build French nuclear reactors of dubious safety and reliability in the UK, according to MI5 sources and news reports. The Chinese will also be paid double the going rate for energy produced by these reactors, according to MI5. That is a good sign the cabal got money from China now in exchange for a promise to pay them back by squeezing British energy users later.



At the same time, in Japan, the government slaves who run this country on behalf of the Western Sabbatean mafia families are in a state of panic, according to imperial family sources. One thing that has them spooked is the over 100 lawsuits going on claiming that the current Abe government stole the last general election, they said. The result is that the Freemasons in Japan, headed by a gentleman from India, have asked for peace negotiations with the Japanese patriotic groups struggling to liberate this country, the sources said.

Several female agents were sent to visit the White Dragon Society in the past week, each using the word “illuminati” in the very first sentence they spoke and claiming to either represent the Vatican, the current Japanese slave government or the government of China.

As this story was going to press, this writer received a phone call from a high level Japanese government source saying that the Dragon family had released funds in over 180 countries. They said one visible sign of this would be an announcement by the Russian government that it would be offering health care services free of charge to all of its citizens. So far, no official Russian government news site has made such an announcement.

There was also an offer to pay this writer over $30,000 a month in Dragon family money to finance investigative journalism. So far no money has appeared. There have been so many announcements of this type over the years that have failed to materialize that this phone call should be considered more likely an attempt to spread disinformation than a sign of any real breakthrough. These people have lied so many times that only their actions, not their words, can be believed.

At best though, these approaches show the cabal regime in Japan is getting increasingly nervous. The near bankruptcy of the US government last week left them deeply spooked, Japanese government sources said. There was also a growing understanding that a US government that was selling state of the art weapons to China and otherwise showing signs of surrender was not going to protect Japan in a war against China.

There are plenty of real signs in the West of a general surrender to China on the part of the cabal controlled governments there. In addition to letting the Chinese build French Nuclear power plants the Rothschilds have opened up the city of London to Chinese banking interests in a big way. Chinese banks will be allowed set up branches in the UK and direct trading between the Renminbi and the Pound Sterling will be allowed. Chinese offshore banking will also begin, according to Rothschild sources and news reports.


On the US side of the banking oligarchy there are also growing indications that something extremely unusual is happening at Rockefeller controlled J.P. Morgan Chase Bank. The bank just sold its’ headquarters building, one built by David Rockefeller as headquarters for Chase Manhattan Bank, to the Chinese. This bank has the world’s largest gold vault in its basement.


J.P. Morgan also recently sold all of its holdings in short term US treasury certificates.


Finally, we also have the announcement that J.P. Morgan Chase is limiting cash withdrawals and wire transfers of money outside of the US.


The best guess for what lies behind all this is that the US branch of the Feds sold the largest bank in the US to Chinese interests in order to keep their empire teetering on for a few more months. The limits on withdrawals may be meant to ensure the Chinese do not get an empty shell when they move in to claim their prize.

The other big source of emergency funding for the Feds appears to be Iran. The sudden warming of the relationship between the G7 countries and Iran is leading to the unfreezing of $50 billion in Iranian money, according to the Mossad linked website Debka. No doubt this money is helping the Feds continue their scam a bit longer.


There has also been a fundamental shift in the geopolitical priorities of the Western countries in the Middle East. The governments of Turkey, Qatar and Jordan have also all stopped supporting anti-Assad rebels in Syria as have cabalists in the US, Britain and France.


These changes can be seen as a good indication the Zionists no longer control political trends in the Middle East but rather Vladimir Putin does. The last Zionist hold-outs in the region appear to be the government of Saudi Arabia and the Nazi Netanyahu regime in Israel. They are still causing murder and mayhem and need to be stopped ASAP.

All of the changes and announcements above came between September 30th, when the Feds missed an international payment deadline, and October 17th, the day they had to find the money or be publicly declared bankrupt.

Who knows what the cabalists are going to do when the next payments deadline comes up on February 7th ?

Perhaps they could just sell the District of Columbia, including Washington D.C. and all its politicians and other whores, to the Chinese to use as a base for their North American operations, sort of like what the British did with Hong Kong after the Opium wars.

Hopefully before it comes to that, the US military will get some cohones and nationalize the Federal Reserve Board plus the big banks that own it. Then they can fire all hired clowns in Washington, restore the Republic of the United States of America and renegotiate its external debts. The Jews could also restore their honor as a people by removing the Nazis from power in Israel.


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very interesting!
Lola 2014/01/30(Thu)00:01:05 編集
» 俺の勝ちだ
僕たちだけがいい思いしたくて お金儲けしたのに 責任取らされるの 嫌だから 見張られるの怖い 仕事 試されるの怖い

僕らの宗教政治ビジネスは いじめでまとまるんだ

僕らはこうして強くなった キスしよ セックス宗教誕生祭

あいつのせいにして来い お前らが給料安いのは あいつが働かないからだ パクリ続ける忍者サラリーマンは頑張ったから いいもの食う DIY高級食材料理は見張らなくていいんだ

こういう世の中に生まれて 言われた通りやっただけだから みんな頑張ってよくしようとしてるのに でも 無料じゃやりませんけどね 何したら儲かりますか

やましい気持ちでいっぱいだったフェア観 私たちだけは貴族に生まれたので みんなでうんこ奴隷の作ったものをシェアしましょう

こうして 僕は目覚めた クレーマーが悪いことに 世の中は金だ 明日はきっといい日になる 女は金 男は体 あとは 怒らないで頭よくしてくれる先生がほしい
Lola 2017/03/08(Wed)00:10:59 編集
» ハッキング 暴露文書公開

教祖様のためなら なんでもいたします。
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» ハッキング 暴露文書公開2

ただ教祖に背くのが怖くて 言われたとおりにやっただけです。
Lola 2017/03/13(Mon)01:49:25 編集
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