The desperate fascists running the US Nazi rogue regime are threatening to block the Gulf of Aden and cut off Middle-Eastern oil supplies to the world, according to Pentagon and CIA sources. This operation would be coordinated with an invasion of Venezuela aimed at securing US oil supplies.
This is why the US criminal government is staging fake “terror” and other incidents in Yemen and along the Venezuela/Columbia border.
In conjunction with this the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate staged fake terror incidents in the US in order to further humiliate and subjucate the American people with nude body scans. It is meant to send a message to the world that “we are a totalitarian dictatorship and there is nothing you can do about it.”
Plans for a war against Iran are, meanwhile, failing as are efforts to create regime change. The Bush crime family sold 12 missiles loaded with Neutron bombs to Iran in the hopes they would use them to depopulate Israel, according to a cousin of the deposed Shah. However, although Obama has been informed of their exact location along the Iraqi border, no efforts have been made to remove them.
Instead the US criminal government is concentrating on using Pakistan and a starting point for nuclear terror and world war 3.
These threats and others are in response to the ongoing arrests and judicial killings of senior Nazi supporters in Europe and the US and an ongoing cut-off of funds controlled by the Nazi syndicate. The killing of five associates of Nazi de-facto leader Henry (Heinz) Kissinger and the presumed death of Kissinger (he has been missing since December 12, 2009) has left Barbara Bush as the head of the Nazi faction in the US. George Bush Senior is now so senile he cannot remember what he said 3 minutes earlier. In conjunction with this CIA head Panetta has been silenced after he was caught trying to steal $1.3 trillion for Barbara Bush.
Panetta was also recently in the Philippines on a mission to get gold for the Federal Reserve Board via Fed agent Gloria Arroyo. The trip ended in failure and the $250 billion in gold backed bonds associated with that trip are now in the hands of a Black Dragon Society member. The Federal Reserve Board thus still has no pay off its debts with and it will never get any.
In addition senior Federal Reserve Board agents in Japan have been neutralized over the past weeks. The resignation of the Japanese Finance Minister and his replacement with noted bureaucrat-buster Naoto Kan is a sign of this.
As the Federal Reserve Board’s access to money continues to be strangulated, a power vacuum is beginning to emerge in Washington D.C. The latest scenario calls for both President Obama and Vice-President Biden to be removed from power. This would leave Nancy Pelosi as President and Hillary Clinton as Vice-President. However, that is also likely to be an interim arrangement.
There are still powerful forces pushing for a temporary military government to preside over a return to constitutional law and free elections.
In general there is expected to be continuous chaos along with new machinations by the dying Nazi regime over the coming weeks. The end of January will be a watershed period as various accounting deadlines approach.
The trial to determine if Obama was born overseas and is thus not allowed to be president is still due on January 26th. The judge in that case is a marine and is not expected to back down. Many expect Obama to be killed before the trial.
Meanwhile the desperate establishment continues to put out fake economic data to fool the brainwashed masses into believe that things are turning around. A US economic recovery is impossible so long as the US maintains a vast military apparatus that produces nothing of economic value. The US military budget is not coincidentally about equal to the US trade deficit and foreigners have all stopped funding the US deficit. In other words, the collapse of the Federal Reserve Board and the US criminal regime it owns is mathematically certain.
That does not mean they intend to go quietly into the night. The fact that fascist Bush stooge Prime Minister Harper of Canada shut down Parliament until March is an indication he is buying time based on inside knowledge of some sort of “event.” The Harper puppet regime ordered full body scanners long before the latest fake “terror” incident, proving their inside knowledge of the plans of the US criminal government.
In preparation for any contingency, the Black Dragon Society had a secret meeting last week to plan the future of Japan. It was decided at the meeting to activate Japan’s global sleeper network. This means all martial arts societies associated with Judo, Karate, Ju Jitsu etc. world-wide can, if necessary mobilize over 100 million fighters world-wide. In addition to that Japanese trading companies and other commercial operations world-wide can also be activated.
In Japan, meanwhile, an entire new political regime is being planned. It has been decided the current batch of politicians does not have any truly charismatic leaders. Thus either governor Hashimoto of Osaka or one of several private-sector geniuses in their 30’s and 40’s may be selected to lead a new government.
The Democratic Party of Japan is headed for turmoil and may not last a year. Power broker Ozawa is expected to be arrested on whatever basis possible in order to prevent him from becoming a dictator in the event the DPJ wins an outright majority in the upper house elections due this summer. There are also strong feelings within the Japanese secret government that the DPJ is too beholden to the Bridgestone Corporation and the Freemason Hatoyama family.
A hitherto reliable source has also, incredibly, said Japan’s emperor takes orders in secrets from a 600-year old “living ghost.” This is hard to believe but very reliable, senior people take the talk seriously. We will attempt to arrange a meeting to see if this is really true.
The Chinese politburo, for its part, sent a representative to talk with a senior Black Dragon society member recently and it was agreed the society would cooperate with China on an equal but independent basis. Further talks are scheduled for late January.
The announcement of the new financial system and the replacement of the US dollar with the Hong Kong dollar will not likely be made until these negotiations have taken place. There is also a need to wait until the global fascist network is fully unveiled and taken down. This will mean continuing arrests and judicial killings throughout January and beyond if necessary.
Next week, among other things, we will report on a meeting between a Pentagon representative and the Black Dragon Society.
http://BenjaminFulford.blog.Shinobi.jp/RePostOK/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Zone Reasonable Scrutiny of Stone Trickery in India
In India, there are some regions that are specifically exquisite in stone culture. A serious culture prevails there of stone crafts. Depending upon the pattern of stone found and the tools used, the characterize and the finishing has been several and unique.
Stone Carving Practices of Orissa:
Stone carving is a particular of the major handicrafts of Orissa. Several archaeological monuments, rock-cut bust, carves and magnificent temples say the claim.
All these have undergone sinuous and very superior stone carving at hand the deft hands of the artisans. The temples of Puri, Konark, Lingaraj, Parasurameshwar and Mukteshwar are just the wonders crafted in stone. Whereas the stupas erected at Lalitagiri, Ratnagiri and Udaygiri are no more than par-excellence. The know-how of stone crafting reached consummation in the olden and the break of dawn medieval days in Orissa with detailed review of each and every nuance of the stone craft. This dexterity has automatically passed on to the remaining start from their earlier generations. The present hatch is not far behind its predecessors in creating the demand facsimile of the ancient masterpieces. Similarly, uninspired sculptures are also made in huge quantity catering to the massive demands of the visitors and the locals.
Stone Carving Practices of Rajasthan
Rajasthan has, nonetheless insufficiency in wood and forest but it has abundant stone mineral.The landmass of Rajasthan is lavish in other rocks like Granite, marble, Quartzite, Slate and other metamorphic rocks. The forts and palaces of Bharatpur, Baroli, Ramgarh, Nagda, Ajmer, Chittor, Mandsore, Jaisalmer, Bikaner and Udaipur acquire been made using these stones. The jaaliwork or the latticework of Ajmer, Udaipur, Jodhpur, and Bikaner is of great attribute and byzantine finish. Rajasthan has most substantial quarries of marble at Makrana. The marble mined here is employed awfully in the beget famous stone bust of Taj Mahal as well as the stone wonder, Dilwara Jain Synagogue at Mt. Abu. The artistry in Dilwara Jain cathedral is marvellous, fine, intricate and nothing but fascinating. Different places of Rajasthan are distinguished representing distinct benevolent of stones found. Kota is the center of origination of bloodless stone which is in use accustomed to in floor making. Similarly Barmer and Ajmer are distinguished with a view Yellowstone and granite respectively. Incomparable statues of deities are made using the spongy stone mined from the quarries of Dungarpur. Jaipur is the charge where sculptures of all kinds are made by pallid marble. The statues of deities carved in Rajasthan are sent to all areas of the country.
Stone Craft Practices of Uttar Pradesh <a href=http://www.zen-on.eu>kamień naturalny</a>
Mathura, Varanasi and Agra are the well-known centers in search stone fraud in Uttar Pradesh. Some pieces of stone sculptures receive been found from the excavations at Mathura and other adjacent areas association to Maurya period. The provocative fact is that lavishly in use accustomed to stone in these sculptures is the red sandstone mined from the Chunar. It indicates that this realty in a minute cast-off to be the center of stone carving art some thousands of years back. During medieval patch beneath the Mughal hand down a judgement, several beautiful palaces and forts were constructed chiefly with the escape of stone. Some fascinating examples of the stone sculptures if Uttar Pradesh are: Red fort of Agra, The Taj Mahal, the residence of Fatehpur Sikri, The tomb of Akbar at Sikandara and innumerable more.
In the introduce times the indistinct of the stone craftsmen is changing as a help to exploring recent kinds of stones as well as new article to be made. Nowadays they pretend the stone sculptures that titivate the home or the flair articles like candle stands, ashtrays, jewelry boxes, and Taj replicas. Carved pillars, railings and fireplaces are the architectural objects that the trickery persons are making.
Rupbas in Agra and Karauli are the quarries which have produced the red stone employed in the forts and palaces Agra, Delhi and Fatehpur Sikri.
At Varanasi the stone employed is not difficult marble but soft stone called Gorara. This is the stone that is brought from the Hamirpur and Mahoba areas. This stone has a harmonious ' prominence to modulate its colors on polishing. Bowls and the servicing dishes are the in vogue products made of gorara stones. Sonia and Kalimohal areas of Varanasi and Gokulpura tract of Agra are the centers of the principal activities of stone vocation in U.P.
Stone Technique Practices of Southern India
In southern India, the house of god architecture of Hoyasalas at Halebid and Belur are most unequalled and spectacular example of stone craft. 57 Feet giant stone effigy of Jain saint Gomateshwara at Shrabanbelgola is another instance of marvelous stone art. Similarly, the ruins of Vijayanagara Empire at Hampi in Bellary are also the samples of delightful Indian habit of Stone craft.
Other immortal stone examples of stone boat in the southern shard of India are: Meenakshi Cathedral Madurai and its 1000 pillared mandaps, Chidambaram Chapel with beautiful panels depicting 108 karanas of the Natya Shastra, Kanchipuram complaisant a numeral of temples from he period of Pallawas to Nayaks and Granite carvings at Mamallapuram and Chingalpet. The Kailash holy place at the Ellora caves is the monolithic building whose trickery is moral incomparable and astonishingly beautiful.
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