Message from Benjamin Fulford


The Trillion dollar criminal case against top Davos, UN officials & others will go ahead despite sudden death of key witness

Criminal charges will be filed this week in New Jersey in a $1 trillion robbery case that implicates top officials of the World Economic Forum (Davos) top UN officials including UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and members of the Italian P2 Masonic Lodge, according to top US law enforcement officials and lawyers for the owners of the over $1 trillion in stolen financial instruments. The individual directly responsible for stealing the funds, P2’s Daniele Dal Bosco was recorded asking Giancarlo Bruno “Head of the Financial Services Industry” at Davos to have myself and three other individuals murdered. In addition, Joe Bendana, the man who assisted in the case within the US on behalf of Neil Keenan and also provided affidavits to other governments and Interpol was also threatened directly by Dal Bosco 4 days before he was found murdered in his residence, Newark, New Jersey, last Saturday, September 4, 2010. Police are treating the death of Bendana as a homicide because of the threats and because there was a security breach at his residence the night he died.

As soon as Bruno’s name was made public by this writer, we were contacted by a senior P2 Lodge member who offered “an international scoop,” involving impossible amounts of Philippine gold, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and an individual by the name of Marco Di Mauro.


This photograph of an alleged Philippine bond worth “Five Hundred Dodecallion USD CFR Trilateral Commission,” was sent as proof.

There is no such number as a Dodecallion but the “bond” had number 5 followed by 46 zeroes. We are waiting for more coherent information from this source. The Trilateral Commission was founded in July of 1973. Clearly it does not fall in line with the date, October 24-25, 1966, issued on the Mother Gold Guarantee Deposit. How could this have been issued when the Trilateral Commission did not exist at this time? I believe they are attempting to discredit this writer.

The entire incident began in June 2009 when two Japanese were illegally detained by Italian Treasury police and had $134.5 billion worth of bonds they were carrying confiscated. This incident was reported briefly in the international media before being dismissed as a “fraud.” However, the Japanese were not detained because they had diplomatic passports. The bonds were real and were illegally confiscated by the Italian Treasury Police.

Shortly after this incident, the P2 Lodge, at the bequest of the Italian Police offered to assist them in cashing these bonds, which are owned by an astronomically wealthy Asian family. They offered the bonds back to this family at 10% of the face value but the family had no intention of allowing themselves to be extorted relating to bonds they already owned. At a later date a family associate agreed to protect a further $1 trillion worth of financial instruments and they were placed into the custodianship of P2 “banker” Daniele Dal Bosco (Mr. Dal Bosco is actually not a banker nor ever has been a banker).

Dal Bosco then absconded with the bonds and tried to cash them variously with the UN with the assistance of Giancarlo Bruno of the World Economic Forum who is one of the coordinators. It is purported that Mr. Bruno set up the entire operation with the UN and OITC which Dal Bosco turned to for support once they recognized that Neil Keenan was not going to allow them to steal the bonds. Dal Bosco states that he is working with his lawyer, Interpol and the UN but makes it perfectly clear to this writer that he refers everything over to OITC (he has no attorney holding the bonds to respond to), has never spoken to Interpol and the UN and Dal Bosco/Bruno/World Economic Forum/UN/David Sale /OITC are some of the known co- conspirators of this theft. The OITC is headed by a Cambodian by the name of R.C. Dam. Dam was at one point the designated heir of Indonesia’s Sukarno as signatory to a large pool of gold stored in various parts of Asia (This is the same gold that was supposed to back the new US dollar that President Kennedy was assassinated for trying to issue).

However, Dam was stripped of this power after the OITC was involved in a series of fraud cases. As a result, the bonds cannot be cashed by them. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi also tried unsuccessfully to cash the bonds with the Chinese government.

Dal Bosco has been under complete surveillance since the beginning of this incident. That is why intelligence agencies recorded his requests for murder contracts and his threats to various individuals. Furthermore case files have been opened up against Dal Bosco in Milan, Italy and in Interpol.

Interpol is now actively involved as are most of the world’s intelligence agencies because they believe the trail in this case will lead eventually to the World Economic Forum, the UN and a group of Oligarchs who have been plotting to create a fascistic world government. These Oligarchs have also been trying to start World War 3 and carry out an unprecedented genocide of two thirds of the world’s population.

This case also illustrates some of the absurd and bizarre goings on now taking place in the esoteric world of high finance.

Senior sources report there is still chaos in the Western corridors of power, especially Washington D.C. because of the impending bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve Board. There are moves, reported in our last newsletter, to launch a Gold Backed Amero to replace the US dollar. However, a different faction is still pushing for a Gold backed Treasury dollar controlled by the Congress. There is no conclusion to this fight but the turmoil is expected to intensify as the September 31 US fiscal year end approaches.

Because of this chaos Chinese and Asian sources are now offering to sell large denominations of US Dollars and Euros at a 37% discount to super-wealthy individuals.

The only thing that is certain about all these financial shenanigans is that the global governmental structures set up after World War 2 are all starting to collapse.


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