Message from Benjamin Fulford


Most Americans may soon be banned from traveling overseas and US may also restrict imports under new regime

The United States is facing regime change as a result of the nation’s imminent bankruptcy, according to high level CIA sources in Washington and also senior MI6 sources. The information reaching us is that all the State governments except Florida, Washington and California are backing a return to constitutional law. The Pentagon is also on the program with people like General’s Schwarskopf and Stubblemeyer leading the patriotic forces. There is talk of action starting this week and this photo of Obama on March 26th shows us he is clearly worried and stressed out about something:

President Barack Obama

The new regime may take some drastic measures on the economy as a result of the bankruptcy of the Federal Government, the sources say. These measures would include restrictions on imports so the US can rebuild its manufacturing base. There may also be severe restrictions placed on the amount of Americans allowed to travel overseas. These measures are designed to eliminate the US’s structural external deficit as quickly as possible.

The various states, together with the Pentagon and the Supreme Court will take over, at least temporarily, the powers to create currency. They will replace Federal Reserve promissory or debt notes with a new currency. They will exchange Federal Reserve promissory notes for the new currency at a fixed rate within a 30-day period. The 90% of US dollars owned by non-Americans are likely to be converted into other currencies. The Chinese are actively considering offering gold and commodities backed Hong Kong dollars in exchange for valid (i.e. not created through derivatives fraud) US dollars. The Japanese, the Russians, the Europeans and others may also offer to exchange the overseas US dollars for their own currencies.

It is still not decided if the new US currency will be the Amero or something else but signs are that it will be something else, probably a new type of Greenback. The British are actively using their influence to remove New World Order traitor Harper and his government and not allow him to hand Canadian sovereignty over to the Washington D.C. criminal cabal. That is why the Amero idea looks like it will not float.

The final shape of the soon to be announced international debt jubilee is also starting to appear. The latest news from our sources is that international financial obligations between nation states will be reset to 1916 levels. That is because although the Federal Reserve Board act was passed in 1913, it did not go into action until 1916.

Hopefully this will be accompanied by a much needed telling of the real truth behind the horrific tragedy and wasted opportunity that was the 20th century.

Pentagon people have contacted the Black Dragon Society and have indicated they are going actively start developing free energy technology for civilian use. The main technology they are pushing is the Stirling engines they currently use to power their missiles (have you ever wondered how a cruise missile can travel thousands of miles without giant fuel tanks?). Since at least 6,000, and probably a lot more, inventions have been suppressed in the name of “national security” we can expect a lot more wonders to emerge soon from the bowels of the Pentagon.

Several different major financial institutions including the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Credit Agricole, Mizuho Bank and the People’s Bank of China have begun creating funds dedicated to the development and application of the various suppressed technologies. Once the various T’s are crossed and I’s dotted then hundreds of billions of dollars will become available to finance the new technology as well as to finance an end to poverty and the repair of global eco-systems.

In Japan, meanwhile, pressure is steadily being increased on New World Order and Trilateral Commission hold outs led by former Prime Minister Nakasone. The system of worshipping the Emperor as a symbol will continue in Japan. However, the Japanese right-wing now realizes that ever since Emperor Hirohito died, the emperor became merely a symbol for David Rockefeller and his Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate lackeys in Japan.

The new system will be headed by an informal group of Japan’s most intelligent and powerful people. They will act as a shadow government that will step in only if Japan’s democratic and bureaucratic institutions show signs of becoming dysfunctional. The Emperor will once again become a truly Japanese symbol under the new system.

The Japanese right wing has also been explained that they cannot count on the United States to defend Japan against China. They know, for example, that when Obama visited China last year, he offered to give control of Japan to China as part of a proposed G2. China rejected the plan but the Japanese right wing remains wary of China nonetheless. That is why they will be seeking an alliance of countries like Russia and India -countries that actually have borders with China- to agree to protect each other from Chinese domination.

The Chinese do not see these moves as a threat because they insist their rise will be peaceful and that nobody, including Japan should worry about it. The Black Dragon Society has a reliable pipeline now to the Chinese politburo and we believe all concerned are interested in harmonious relations.

In Europe meanwhile, the secret war against Nazi influence continues unabated. The recent revelations against the German pope Ratzinger regarding his helping a pedophile in the Church are part of a campaign to purge the upper reaches of the Vatican of all Satan worshippers. The Christian rank and file of the Church is behind the move to expose these people.

The agreement by the EU to act as a last resort helper of Greece is expected to be nothing more than a time saving effort and will almost certainly not prevent the demise of the Euro. Once the new financial system kicks into gear, there may be plenty of money available to the nearly bankrupt PIIGs (Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Greece) but they will be told in no uncertain terms that they will have to earn any money they get. The economic reality facing these countries is that they will either have to lower their standard of living or else leave the Eurozone and put out a new Mediterranean currency. This will also, of course lead to a temporary drop in living standards but that is inevitable because a derivatives sugar high is always only temporary. Reality cannot be avoided forever.

Various European governments are also actively considering a new alliance with Russia and the colonization of Siberia by unemployed Europeans.

However, until the dust settles it is hard to see exactly what new institutions will arise from the ashes of the old.

The dark Cabal is still in control of much of the US media and the fake Obama regime continues in power at the time of this writing. Until we see this end, we must keep our powder dry and our wits sharp.



European royal families receive stern warning from powerful new secret group

A major breakthrough in the financial logjam is imminent according to three separate sources: a Chinese politburo agent, a member of the British Royal Family and a CIA source. The CIA and British sources said some very powerful group had emerged and warned the European Royal Families to back off and relinquish control of the US and European financial systems. This group has also, according to these sources, given the Pentagon an ultimatum that it will be forced to obey. In addition, they said the world financial system would be reset to 1916 levels in a major jubilee. This would abolish all World War I and II related restitution payments among other things.
They both said a deadline had been set for this Friday or March 26th although it was possible no announcement would be made until the 29th. These sources have made many predictions in the past centering around specific dates only to find the Nazi cabal escape from yet another deadline using some new trick. That means we need to be very cautious about specific dates. Our policy remains: we will believe when we see it.

However, the Chinese politburo source separately mentioned that vast amounts of funding would be made available to a large variety of groups, including the BDS, on March 26th. This money would be invested, among other things, in vast projects to turn the deserts green and replenish the deserts. The Chinese envoy expressed a desire to have a constructive, equal relationship with the Black Dragon Society.

In another major development, the Serbian Black Hand society has affiliated itself with the BDS. This means the Slavic gangs that control much of the European drug trade are now ready to battle the Nazis yet again. These people were the partisans who caused the Nazis so much trouble during WWII. They are also extremely angry at what the Nazi US government did to Yugoslavia and are eager for revenge.

There were many other signs this week the US Nazi government is under extreme pressure. The most obvious was a US appeals court ruling to force the Federal Reserve Board to disclose which financial institutions it gave US taxpayer money to. Then there are the widely reported (even in the corporate propaganda media) claims by the “synagogue bomber” that the Feds were responsible for this attack. These are both serious signs the Federal control grid in the US is falling apart.

The US rogue-regime also received many new international blows against it. First of all both China and Japan are now officially and openly reducing their US Treasury holdings. Until now, Japan and China were just reducing their new purchases of Treasuries, not actively dumping them. In related moves, the US cancelled a scheduled trip to Japan by an envoy to discuss the US base issue. At the same time Obama suddenly postponed a scheduled Asian tour. It seems pretty clear he was told he was just not welcome.

Things are looking just as bad for the US in Europe. For example, just as Hillary Clinton arrived in Russia to ask for new pressure against Iran, Russia officially announces the nuclear reactor it is building in Iran will be completed this summer.

Our sources are also reporting many new arrests of bankers in Europe. Italian authorities, for example, are contemplating filing criminal charges against Merrill Lynch, Deutschebank, UBS and others for selling what they claim are fraudulent financial products to Italian local governments and others. The US money center banks that are still not Basel 2 and 3 compliant are being squeezed from all directions now.

In addition to this, the Japanese military/yakuza/rightwing/police nexus (i.e. the people who possess and are willing to use instruments of violence) is also beginning to apply major pressure on Japanese banks to hand over control of the yen printing presses. This means US colonial rule of Japan is being unwound now that the enforcers formerly in the employ of the Feds have stopped obeying orders. That means they will no longer hand over hard earned Japanese savings to the Feds. These people realized the US would not come to protect Japan against China when Obama ignored Japan and asked China to unite with the US to form a “G2.” The Chinese, of course, refused this offer because they know the rogue US regime has broken practically every single international treaty it ever signed.

The Japanese militant groups are by no means friendly to China and are planning to build an alliance of states bordering China (including Russia and India) aimed at making sure China does try to expand militarily beyond its own borders. They also are expecting to continue the US/Japan alliance after an expected regime change in the US.

This group expects a total revamping of Japan’s political landscape by this summer leading to the creation of three new major parties. They also predict a more nationalistic and independent minded Japan will emerge soon.

In Europe, meantime, despite efforts to patch things up, the Greek crisis is getting worse. There were open calls by Germany to expel Greece from the Euro last week. This was followed by a sharp repudiation from France meaning the two countries at the very core of the EU may be going their own different ways. The Greek government also suggested it would go to the IMF and forget about the EU (never mind that the IMF itself is bust).

Despite new talk of bailing out Greece, if that actually took place then Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland would also begin to seek hand outs. The Germans and Northern Europeans will not pick up their tab meaning the EU is heading for a slow motion train-wreck.

To conclude, although we are not yet allowed to discuss the nature of the new group that promises to end world rule by bankers, we are sure that rule is coming to an end. It is just a matter of time. Do not be too disappointed if the dark cabal evades the March 26th deadline because time is not on their side. Sooner rather than later their entire horrific structure of control and slavery will come to an end. Until it does, we must all remain extremely alert and be prepared for any nasty surprises these dangerous Satan worshipping criminals come up with.


Report on discussions between the Black Dragon Society and a Chinese Politburo envoy plus other news

The Chinese Politburo sent an envoy to hold preliminary discussions with the Black Dragon Society last week. The discussions were, as was the case with the Illuminati in Italy, friendly and productive. In essence, the Chinese were interested in backing up all the world’s dollars earned through honest means with either gold or commodities and then putting the new dollars under the control of an institution controlled 50/50 by Asia and the West. Later, the institution that manages the new currency would become a meritocracy without any regional or racial quotas in its administration.

The Chinese have also proceeded with concrete, specific plans to start implementing forbidden technology in April of this year.

The Black Dragon Society, for its part, said it had been approached by many inventors of suppressed technologies who have had their factories blown up by the Nazi thugs. They explained that they were still hoping to finance these technologies using Western or Japanese funds but, if the fund blockage continued after April, they would go ahead and develop the technologies in China.

The BDS also explained the situation with the Japanese right wingers, gangster, police, military and all other organizations possessing and willing to use, if necessary, instruments of violence. Essentially, about 30% of these groups were pro-Chinese; the rest were nationalist and about 20% were still pro US. We explained that promises made by the current rogue US government to China were not realistic and not sincere.

The BDS had talks with several of Japan’s most senior right wingers and gangsters. We explained to them they had been fooled by Emperor worship because there were malicious foreign forces behind the Emperor. These forces promised to cede control of Japan to China by 2011. We explained both to the Japanese right wingers and the Chinese that the Nazis in control of the US always had a habit of telling their counterparts whatever they wanted to hear but that their track record showed they always broke their promises as soon as they got a chance to do so.

The result is that the rogue US government has lost control over the Japanese right wing organizations that used to do their bidding.

We have also now independently confirmed the details of the US murder of former Prime Minister Takeshita from three separate sources, one from the Japanese royal family, one from the Japanese security police and one from the yakuza. According to these sources, Takeshita was taken aboard a helicopter and hung upside down in mid-air as a warning not to interfere in US looting of Japanese savings. When Takeshita broke his promise a second time, he was taken to Alaska and chased naked through the snow by helicopters before being killed and having his body sent back to Japan. The Japanese security police source said he had been show a video of Takeshita being chased naked in Alaska. Given such outrageous, insulting behavior towards the head of state of a supposed ally, it is difficult to imagine the US criminal government will ever again be able to seize the levers of power in Japan.

The yakuza, the police, the military etc. may not like China but they are fuming mad at the US rogue government as well. The top assassins of the yakuza have been given a list of all the names of members of the trilateral commission in Japan therefore we recommend these people either leave the country or lay low for a while. If trilateral commission members request it, the BDS will provide them with protection.

The BDS has suggested that as well as supporting regime change in the US, the Japanese military establishment should build alliances with countries like India and Russia that actually share borders with China.

Meanwhile, the criminals who took over the US government are acting in an increasingly hysterical and desperate manner. The awarding of the Oscar for best picture to Avatar director’s James Cameron’s estranged wife was such a stupid gesture that the corporate propaganda media was forced to quash and downplay all media coverage of this farce. These thugs do not seem to understand that blackmailing and threatening members of the academy has just backfired on them big time.

The Washington Post also totally ruined its reputation in Japan by writing an editorial critical of Japanese Democratic Party lawmaker Yukihisa Fujita. Fujita spent two hours with the Washington post correspondent patiently explaining all the evidence pointing to US government complicity in the 911 “terrorist attacks.” The reporter who ignored the evidence and wrote that scurrilous editorial is now in hiding. We suspect the Washington Post will now have to shut its Japan bureau or else issue a public apology.

It is also interesting to note that relations between Nazi stooges and genuine journalists at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan have reached such low levels that many serious correspondents expect actual fisticuffs at the next club general meeting. There are accusations of both censorship and embezzlement by club management being leveled by veteran journalists.

We also see a deepening rift between Europe and the US criminal government as Germany, France and other countries call for controls on fraudulent financial derivatives such as the credit default swaps that Goldman Sachs used to help Greece cook their books. Of course the US criminal government opposes any such controls because they are now using similar instruments to cook their own books.

We also note that a battered looking Henry Kissinger appeared in South Korea meaning that earlier reports he had been killed were wrong. We have been contacted by bankers who deal directly with Dr. Kissinger and it appears they are trying to work out some sort of deal with the BDS. There is a lot that cannot be made public at the present but we promise the BDS will not compromise on its core goals of ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and ending war.

There will be sensitive financial negotiations taking place over the coming week. If they are completed in a satisfactory manner then some sort of public announcement is likely. Don’t hold your breath though because it won’t be over until the brainwashed Western public is finally told the truth by their own “leaders.


TOKYO—The Japanese government's probe into a confidential post-war agreement with the U.S. confirmed the existence of a secret deposit that Japan kept with the Federal Reserve for nearly three decades and uncovered Tokyo's lax management of information related to its foreign reserves.

Japanese Finance Minister Naoto Kan said Friday the ministry's recent investigation into a 1969 bilateral accord confirmed that the financial settlement Japan made with the U.S. to end its occupation of Okinawa was larger and more complex than previously acknowledged and included a secret noninterest deposit the government and the Bank of Japan kept at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

The deposit totaled $103 million during much of its life before the two nations agreed to lower it to a sum of $3 million in 1999. The deposit was counted as part of Japan's official foreign reserves and consisted of dollars the Japanese government received from the Okinawans in exchange for yen in 1972 when the U.S. ended its post-war occupation of the southern Japanese island.

The noninterest deposit amounted to a de-facto financial payment, as the U.S. was free to manage the money to generate returns. U.S. embassy press officers couldn't be reached for comment.

The probe was part of broader efforts by the government of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama to improve transparency in foreign policy. Late last year, the government launched investigations into what it called "secret documents" that chronicled confidential national security agreements that Washington and Tokyo clinched during the decades following World War II.

Earlier this week, Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada unveiled the outcome of his ministry's probe, confirming the existence of agreements related to the nature of U.S. forces stationed in Japan and the shipments and storage of nuclear weapons in Japan. Many of these documents, including the one studied by the finance ministry, had long been declassified and made public in the U.S. but the Japan's previous government had never admitted the existence of such agreements.

The document studied by the finance ministry also revealed that Japan paid a total of $405 million to the U.S. at the time of Okinawa's return to cover the cost of the infrastructure left by the U.S. forces and the consolidation of U.S. military facilities. The formal bilateral agreement at the time listed the amount as $320 million.

The document, signed between Anthony J. Jurich, special assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury, and his Japanese counterpart Yusuke Kashiwagi, was kept at the National Archives in the U.S. but lost in Japan.

At a press conference announcing the outcome of its probe, Mr. Kan said the finding was disturbing on two levels: That the Japanese people were kept in the dark for so long about how a portion of their financial assets was managed; and that the ministry itself had no record of the deposit and the bureaucrats who had the knowledge of it didn't seem to have passed it on to their successors.

"We need to admit humbly to ourselves that a piece of historic information related to our own asset management was kept on the U.S. side" but not in Japan, Mr. Kan said. He added that in the future, the ministry will step up efforts to ensure the transfer of historic records related to important international negotiations to the national archive.

A finance ministry official said the loss suffered by the Japanese people as a result of the agreement to keep its portion of the deposit interest free for 25 years was $46 million. The calculation is based on the assumption the money would have earned that much in income if it had been invested in U.S. Treasurys yielding an average of 6%. The total loss would have been nearly double that amount as the calculation doesn't include the portion deposited by the Bank of Japan.

A Japanese official said the decision to lower the deposit to $3 million was prompted by an inquiry made by the Bank of Japan in 1999 as part of its preparation for a revision in the law governing the central bank's function. Until then, the Japanese side had apparently made no action to release the money from the deposit even after the 25-year-period set by the original agreement expired, Mr. Kan said.

A Bank of Japan official declined to say why it still keeps $3 million in the noninterest deposit account.

—Megumi Fujikawa contributed to this article.


Write to Yuka Hayashi at yuka.hayashi@wsj.com

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Japan may pay over $320M to US on Okinawa's transfer

Updated: 2010-03-12 20:55

TOKYO - Japanese Finance Minister Naoto Kan said Friday that he believed Japan paid more than 320 million US dollars to the United States as part of a deal when the transfer of power in Okinawa between Tokyo and Washington happened in 1972, according to local media reports.

Kan said that the Japanese government made an interest-free deposit of 53 million dollars to a US Federal Reserve bank that remained until 1999.

Related readings:
Japan may pay over $320M to US on Okinawa's transfer Anti-base mayor's win casts new doubt on Okinawa
Japan may pay over $320M to US on Okinawa's transfer Okinawa vote pressures Japan on US Marine base
Japan may pay over $320M to US on Okinawa's transfer Japan FM tours Okinawa over 'tough' US base plan
Japan may pay over $320M to US on Okinawa's transfer Long-festering US base issue resonates beyond Okinawa

The revelation comes days after the Foreign Ministry revealed in a report on three secret pacts between the United States and Japan that an agreement had been made related to the transfer of power in Okinawa.

However, there was no evidence connecting the deposit to the transfer of power in Okinawa, Kan added.

Officially, Japan paid 320 million dollars when power was transferred to Tokyo, but Kan said the deposit casts doubt that the official figure accounted for the total amount that was handed to Washington at that time.

Declassified documents in the United States have led some experts to put the total amount paid by Japan at the time as high as 685 million dollars.

The Foreign Ministry report released Tuesday has cast doubt on the way previous Japanese governments conducted affairs overseas. The report said it believed past governments had been "dishonest".

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Japan says secret bank deal with U.S. existed for Okinawa reversion

TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Finance Minister Naoto Kan said Friday he believes "a secret pact in a broad sense" existed between Japan and the United States in connection to the financing of the 1972 reversion of Okinawa.

But Kan said he could not find sufficient evidence to establish that Japan's zero-interest account at a U.S. Federal Reserve Bank was used to raise extra money for Washington.

Still, Kan said he believes that the government in power at that time paid a total of $320 million for costs related to the reversion.

The ministry's probe into the purported clandestine deals related to the reversion of Okinawa to Japanese sovereignty from U.S. control was commissioned by Kan and his predecessor Hirohisa Fujii, both lawmakers of the Democratic Party of Japan, which last summer ended more than half a century of nearly unbroken rule by the Liberal Democratic Party.

The investigation was launched in parallel with the Foreign Ministry's probe into whether there were secret pacts during the Cold War between Tokyo and Washington, including one that allows U.S. nuclear-armed vessels to visit Japanese ports.

Declassified documents in the United States and testimonies of former Japanese government officials confirmed the existence of some secret pacts in the 1960s and 1970s. But previous Japanese governments have successively denied their existence.

Kan's announcement came after a Foreign Ministry panel of experts concluded Tuesday that some of the most important bilateral agreements of the period were reached in backroom deals.

Among others, the panel said a secret pact can be confirmed in which Japan consented to shoulder $4 million in costs on behalf of Washington to restore Okinawa land plots, which had been used by U.S. forces, to their original state.

But the issues related to the bank account were not subject to the examinations of the Foreign Ministry panel.

Japan's official stance has been that the government in power at that time paid a total of $320 million for costs related to the reversion, while some experts on Japan-U.S. relations have claimed that the actual costs were as much as $685 million, citing some records in the declassified documents in the United States.

One declassified memorandum of understanding that Japan's former top financial diplomat Yusuke Kashiwagi negotiated in 1969 with his U.S. counterpart, Anthony Jurich, indicates that Japan had promised to pay more than $320 million.

The memorandum signed by the two negotiators touches on how to deal with Japan's new dollar holdings that would result from converting Okinawa dollars into yen with the 1972 reversion.

The memo, dated Dec. 2, 1969, said, "The Bank of Japan will deposit $60 million or the amount of currency actually converted, whichever is greater, in a non-interest bearing account with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York acting as principal and agent of the U.S. Treasury."

Then it said, "Funds shall remain on deposit for at least 25 years."

If Japan did not let the dollar funds sit in the interest-free account, it would have been able to earn interest on the deposit.

Some experts, including Masaaki Gabe, a University of Ryukyus professor, who obtained a copy of the memo from the U.S. National Archives, believe that Japan used the account to effectively increase its payment to the United States for the return of Okinawa.

The negotiators who represented the Finance Ministry in the course of realizing the reversion of the southern island and former Finance Ministers Takeo Fukuda and Kashiwagi are no longer alive.

(Mainichi Japan) March 12, 2010

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