Message from Benjamin Fulford



Time for China to stop supporting fascist US regime
Posted by benjamin
May 22, 2012

We would like to start this week’s report with a special message to Chinese President Hu Jintao: The Chinese people asked the creator to grant the peaceful rise of China to the center of the world stage. You were told this would happen but that you had to promise to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. You have now presided over one of the greatest periods in China’s long and glorious history. However, you were not able to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. We ask you to please not stand in the way of people who wish to accomplish these goals. Specifically, we would like you to stop subsidizing the illegal fascist Obama corporate government with Chinese money. In 2011 alone you supplied them with $295 billion in Chinese subsidies. Please stop doing this. Thank you.

And now for the news:

satanic Sabbatean cult that illegally seized power in Western Europe and the US is now a dangerous, injured beast threatening to once again unleash nuclear terror. A British Intelligence source said that a bomb that was intended to go off in London was a Ukranian SS19 that had been “dialed down” from a maximum blast of 500 kilotons to 100 kilotons. This weapon was then traced from England to Germany and may now be in Japan, he said. He said the weapon would be brought into Japan (if it has not already been) via submarine from cabal bases in Sao Tome and New Guinea.
The likely offloading point would be the Miura peninsula, according to this source. Japanese AWACS planes should be able to detect the bomb during transportation because it will be unshielded. The bomb in London was brought in at a time when for mysterious reasons someone senior at the British Ministry of Defense ordered all British AWACS to be grounded, he said.

These nuclear missiles were part of a batch sold by Russian arms dealer Victor Bout, the source said. Iran also bought some of these weapons, he said.

This new, detailed intelligence dovetails with what other sources, including an FSB agent going by the name Richard Sorge and a close relative of the Shah of Iran, said.

This satanic group will also make another push to start World War 3 in Iran, he and other sources said.

So that, it seems, was the real secret agenda of the meeting of NATO terrorist states this past weekend in Chicago.

There also reports that a large shipment of stolen gold was displayed to NATO leaders in Chicago.

Somehow this group of criminals thinks that more mass murder and stolen gold will allow them to continue their regime of murder, bribery, lies and terror but they can rest assured their days are numbered even if they do manage a bit more horror.
It is also now clear that we are dealing with a sub-group within and outside of the committee of 300 and not the entire committee.
Last week the ailing Emperor Akihito of Japan made a rare overseas trip to visit Queen Elizabeth in England. This visit coincides with an offer by the committee of 300 to the White Dragon Society to make 7000 trillion yen available for ending poverty and stopping environmental destruction. That would be enough to provide over $120,000 for every man woman and child on earth.

In early April, a person claiming to represent the “Dragon Family Royal Society,” came to Japan to meet with White Dragon representatives. He claimed his group represented ancient Asian as well as European royal families. He said a man by the name of Hiroshi Nakano worked for them and was “above” Emperor Akihito. He was asked at the time to prove this by getting a hand written letter from Emperor Akihito to Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa asking for the above-mentioned funds to be made available.

At the time, he was only able to offer a letter from Princess Masako. Masako is the daughter of Hisashi Owada, a World Court Judge and a Rockefeller Trilateral stooge.

Nonetheless, for now the funds are still being frozen by people connected to the P2 freemason lodge. The public obstacle seems to be the Washington D.C. corporate government using President Obama as his figurehead and senior Chinese government officials friendly to the P2 fascists. The secret obstacle is a new P2 leader whose identity we are now closing in on.

In a move that may be related to that, a young woman in Europe contacted this writer saying a Mafia friend of her family told her she was to be made a human sacrifice by people working for Lord Nicholas Windsor, a direct descendant of King George V and a senior P2 lodge member. Her testimony was detailed, coherent and consistent with other reports of human sacrifice at the P2 Lodge. Well Lord Windsor, do you publicly advocate your opposition to abortion so that you can have more sacrifice victims for your rituals or are you unaware your employees are accusing you of participating in murderous Satanic rituals? We have contacted Lord Windsor’s public relations manager and asked for comment as well.

In any case, recently new major power groups offered to support the goals of the White Dragon Society: the Turkish government, the ancient Middle-Eastern order of assassins and the spiritual war leader of Turtle Island (North America).

The Turkish government invited a White Dragon Society member to Turkey last week where they offered official support in the campaign against the Sabbatean cabal. This is significant because the cabal traces its origins to Turkey and it has many ancient and powerful enemies in that land. The Turks were advised to put pressure on the Gulf slave states run by Sabbatean satanic pseudo-muslims.

The survivors of the original assassin cult from the Middle East, who fled to India and elsewhere after the Mongols destroyed their main fortress, have also pledged their services towards removing the Satanic cabal from power.

Also, the White Dragon Society was offered support by William Twofeather, an Apache war-chief and spiritual war leader of the original native inhabitants of Turtle Island (they call North America Turtle Island because it is shaped like a turtle).

Twofeather told the story of how a group of 30 Apache warriors defeated a US army of 3000 in one of their most famous exploits. Their warriors buried themselves in the ground and breathed through straws. A few carefully camouflaged look-outs waited until the commanding general and his staff were near the warriors before giving the signal to attack. The US force was thus decapitated and demoralized before it even knew what hit them. This is the exact sort of tactic needed to defeat the cabal. Concentrate on the leaders.

Twofeather was told by tribal elders to visit Japan, Korea, China and the rest of the world to disseminate secret teachings of the Apache and other first nations of Turtle Island. These are mostly spiritual teachings but also involve some very dangerous secret knowledge that can only be passed on to trusted and morally upright people.

Twofeather is also a veteran of the US marine special forces and a proud American who is appalled at what has happened to the country he fought for.

Humanity must be set free

source »»
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and are projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.


Alexander Romanov Says
Bobby Fischer said he 9.11 was his idea,
New American Revolution
Bobby Fischer said he was the Grandmaster of the Illuminati fighting against Old World Order and the Rothschild’s.
Alexander believes Armageddon Conspiracy is a real illuminati site, and it might be an Artificial Intelligence, A. I.
There are two important illuminati documents, Voynich Manuscript and King Arthur and Sacred Cup
Atlantis  14000 years ago,
Knights of Templers hid Voynich Manuscript in Solomon undergrounds, then was at Yale Library.
The Lord of the Kings is based on Voynich Manuscript and J. R. R. Tolkien was an illuminati member
Tunisia is an illuminati base, the old cardago
Putin is probably an illuminati member
Michael Terence is a MI6 Boss
Benjamin Fulford Says
Project Camelot is a NSA
Gabriel Foure
Steve Mcclure introduced Alexander Romanov  in 2008
DR BANDAMIA is one of the creators of HIV
Michael Terence is a MI6 Boss
Paul Lane of the Pentagon told ben that 4 Nuclear Missles were stolen from Submarine Cruz
Guy on Chikyu actually put nuclear bomb on the epicenter of 3.11 EQ
DR BANDAMIA is one of the creators of HIV

世界経済中枢の「巨大詐欺システム」を全部ばらす! われら二人 超アンダーグランドとかく戦えり(超☆はらはら) ベンジャミン・フルフォード、 アレクサンダー・ロマノフ 
単行本(ソフトカバー) - 2012/1/20



DivineCosmos.com mp3:


David Wilcock is the person who transcribed the
InFamous Rense Benjamin Fulford Interviews on
The Chinese Secret Society Threatens Illuminati!


A Western military invasion of Saudi Arabia’s oil-fields is scheduled for this summer, according to CIA and MI6 sources. The aim of this invasion will be to try to grab control of the world’s oil supplies and simultaneously provoke Pakistan and then China into starting a World War, the sources say.

Meanwhile, Western intelligence officials say that “Al-Qaeda” is planning to hit the headquarters of the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland with a Nuclear weapon on or around June 1st, citing a top “Al Qaeda” official as his source. The leaks of these and other dramatic “planned events,” are probably posturing in preparation for the announcement of the new financial system.

However, the Saudi Invasion plan has been corroborated by a broad variety of sources within the BIS, the Rothschild family and the agency sources mentioned above, making it a high probability event. This move is an attempt by the money printing side of the leading Khazarian families to maintain control over the financial system of the West by seizing the world’s key oil resources. They know Pakistan has promised to protect Saudi Arabia and China Pakistan so clearly they are hoping this move will finally set off World War 3 and their long sought “end-times” battle between “Gog” and “Magog.” Such a war would stave off their imminent bankruptcy and loss of power.

The threat to nuke the BIS is from a group that claims to be opposed to these plans. We have been able to independently confirm that at least some of the members of this group are connected to both intelligence agencies and the international drug mafia. Below is the text of e-mails received from them and forwarded to various intelligence and police agencies:

There are 4 rogue nuclear devices which were removed from the Kursk Submarine back in 2000. Everyone must understand that the nuclear devices controlled by various militaries around the world are NOT at the disposal of our enemies. All of those devices are accounted for, every single last one of them, and all of the militaries around the world are sitting on the fence waiting to see how this will play out. So, one of the 4 devices was already detonated and caused the Japanese Earthquake. 3 remain. My information is that one ( or more ) will be detonated on June 1st, blamed on Al Qaeda in an effort by the Satan worshiping Obama Administration to start WW3. (May 25)

B.I.S. is about to turn to dust. This just came in directly from the new Al Qaeda #1.(May 29th).

Firstly regarding the nuclear device which will be detonated imminently. The best lead we have is that an individual called Bob Swan can provide information leading to its discovery.

Our best information is that Bob Swan can be found at the following location :Flat 1, 2 The Mount. St. Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, TN38OHR, England.

Secondly, An informant from the USA Navy Air Craft Carrier Carl Vincent, Recently docked at Manila Bay, Philippines, the ship which allegedly dumped Osama Bin Laden’s dead body at sea, has informed Mi6 Agent Peter Stevens that the entire operation in Abottabat, Pakistan was a fabrication. According to multiple sources including the NSA, FSB, and family, confirm that Osama Bin Laden has in fact been dead since Dec13, 2001. The current United States Administration is little more than a fraud that does the bidding of Their Rothschild Masters and are on the verge of initiating WW3 unless something is done. (May 30)
End of quotes.

A CIA source dismissed these warnings as bluffs and said they were not to be taken seriously. However, it is very clear Japan was attacked with a sea-bed nuclear weapon that triggered an Earthquake and Tsunami and these sources did warn us beforehand that Japan was the imminent target of nuclear terror. The warnings were dismissed at the time.

It is also worth noting many attacks can be prevented by issuing warnings beforehand so even if nothing happens, it is worth passing on these messages.

It is further worth noting the sudden change in tone between Obama and the UK Government following his visit last week. The President who returned a bust of Winston Churchill given by the UK and who was snubbed from royal wedding invitation list was suddenly kissing British ass big time and talking about Anglo Saxon solidarity.

There has also been a sudden change in the general attitude towards Israel with Obama and practically everybody else (except for Canada’s shame, the Zionist slave and arch-traitor Harper) has been twisting the Israeli’s arms into finally reaching a peace agreement with their neighbours. This is a sign of a clear loss of power by the radical right wing Zionist lobby.

On a different note, G8 meeting last week failed to discuss, as originally planned, replacing the US dollar with a new currency controlled by the IMF. This plan was endorsed by Treasury Secretary Geithner and other Federal Reserve Board Crime Syndicate members but has now apparently been quietly trashed along with DSK’s career. Instead, the dollar is now expected to be purged of fraudulent book entries before becoming commodity-backed and melded into the new financial system


The White Dragon Foundation is set to become a functioning legal entity on June 1st, according to the lawyer who is handling the application with the Japanese government. The principle philosophy of the foundation will be to maximize both the amount and variety of life on earth and in the universe.

Once the foundation is set up, it will solicit donations from individual and institutional investors for the purpose of ending poverty and stopping environmental destruction. There are three projects the foundation initially wants to get involved with:

1) Use previously suppressed energy technology to remove salt from sea-water and turn the deserts green.

2) Increase the flow of nutrients in the oceans in order to increase bio-mass by at least 10-fold.

3) Transform the military industrial complex into a space exploration and development complex. One project already on the drawing boards is a plan to create an artificial planet.

Although the foundation is scheduled to get formal approval on June 1st, 2011, there will still be a lot of background work to be done before there are any visible results. The first stage will involve careful planning.

There will also be a need to set up an international economic planning agency and that will require a global headhunt of experienced economic planners and people with the know-how for setting up institutions. The International Economic Planning agency would be one of the prime institutions involved in carrying out the White Dragon goals. It would also set up new goals.

This planning agency would be modeled after the very successful one used by Japan up until the Americans forced them to shut it down. That means macro-planning would be done by the agency but much of the actual work would be carried out by the private sector.

In the meantime, the collapse of the old world order will continue to accelerate and there is a very strong possibility of some very nasty incidents of the 911 and 311 variety. Dark Brotherhood sources say that four nuclear weapons stolen from the Russian submarine Kursk are not in the hands of any military organization. Of these one was set off in the sea-bed off of Japan’s coast triggering the March 11 tsunami. The other three, according to these sources, are somewhere in Europe. They say they may well be set off on June 1st in an attempt to discredit the White Dragon Foundation and act as a sort of hail Mary pass aimed at starting world war 3.

Although we have no direct intelligence on what the possible targets are, it is likely the old world order would target their own centers of power (a la 911) and blame it on Al CIAda. Thus a good guess for possible targets in Europe would be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, the La Defense governmental district near Paris, Vatican City, Milan, EU headquarters in Brussels and the London City financial district. If any concrete leads emerge, we will publish them immediately.

The world’s armed forces, for their part, have reached an understanding that they will not be provoked into destroying the planet in a nuclear holocaust. The Chinese and US military establishments had friendly meetings in Washington last week and instead of having a press conference afterwards the Chinese and US military bands played together. That is a pretty clear message that they were reading from the same page.

Sources in both the CIA and MI6 meanwhile, are saying that President Obama has fled to Ireland and will not be returning to the USA. This could simply be a threat aimed at forcing him to toe the line after recent perceived hostility towards Israel. However, Henry Kissinger is also in the UK writing obsequious editorials in the hopes he will not be tried for his various war crimes. This all probably depends on whether his German royal family hosts in the UK are able to stay in power.

Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, meanwhile, is visiting top US Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel in Chicago no doubt to discuss the future of Israel. The fact of the matter is that the Israeli Palestinian situation has been in a deadlock for ever since 1967 and the entire world is sick of hearing about it. Some sort of deal will have to be reached. The Jews will also be asked to rebuild the temple of the mount next to the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The American Jews will also have to help identify the Satanists hiding in their midst. It is believed that close to 1 million Satan worshippers who live in Western countries. They have been engaging in human sacrifice and other horrific activities and will have to be dealt with. The worst criminals in their midst will have to face the justice system of their host countries. Their children will have to be re-educated.

However, in the spirit of the planned worldwide jubilee, the focus will be on truth and reconciliation and not revenge. It will be interesting to watch “conspiracy theory” transform first into mainstream conspiracy news and then into history.

Secret structures have been put into place to ensure that never again will the earth be threatened by Satanic forces.


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