Message from Benjamin Fulford


This weekend a French agent was sent by George Soros, French President Nicholas Sarkozy and other senior Zionists to negotiate with the White Dragon Society. The talks, which lasted for two days, were inconclusive. However, the agent made it clear the European branch of the Zionists truly feared a collapse of the Euro, while their American counterparts are finally beginning to realize they might actually end up in jail. At the same time, their attitude was so haughty it made arrogance seem like a form of humility. They also made many threats but the fact is that they are running scared and they are running out of time.

The agent, who was of Japanese ancestry but who spoke French and English better than Japanese, claimed he came from a super-elite of Japanese Jews who represent 1% of the Japanese population. He kept referring to “average people,” pointing to nearby passersby with contempt as if they were almost an inferior species not worth protecting. Of course it is easy to feel superior if you are born into a world of billions of dollars and servants who do everything for you, including think.

The negotiations took place at the same time as George Soros gathered a bunch of the same old Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg hacks for a “Bretton Woods II” conference that was largely ignored. It was largely ignored because this group has proven, with their rapacious actions over the past few decades, that they are not qualified to run the international financial system.

Not only that, they have been using forged documentation to justify their control over the global financial system. Basically, if you ask them who gave them the right to create money out of thin air, they say it is God. If you ask them to prove that God gave it to them, they suddenly get evasive and embarrassed. God created life and the universe, but God did not create the Federal Reserve Board. It was a bunch of greedy oligarchs who did that.

On a more down to earth level, the $1 trillion Neil Keenan lawsuit is finally reaching a crucial stage. People from all over the world have been providing evidence of crimes by the criminal cabal that owns the Washington D.C. corporate government. The constant flow of new information meant extra-legal preparations were needed and that is why the case has been pending for so long.

In a sign people are getting nervous though, last week Bill Clinton, Carl Rove, Tim Geithner, Paul Volcker and Bilderberg Chairman Ettiene D’avignon were among the many luminaries calling about the case.

The main reason for their concern is that the plaintiffs have now gotten their hands of a book of codes, together with screen shots confirming their validity, that show all major financial transactions of the past 30 years. This means the lawsuit will be able to prove such things as that Al Qaeda and the Pentagon are being financed by the same people.

The military allies of the White Dragon Society, for their part, are seriously considering putting the 1 million or so American Satanists into the Fema camps that were being prepared for American Christians.

The Gnostics, meanwhile, who chased the US military out of Libya and Kosovo, say they have now once again planted a suitcase nuclear bomb near BIS headquarters in Switzerland. They say that unless the financial elite agree to start a meritocratic system of governance over finance that they will “turn all the gold in Swiss vaults into nuclear waste.” These are dangerous people but we have confirmed from multiple intelligence agency sources that they have serious capabilities.

Their more moderate faction is waiting for the right timing to hand over to Wikileaks a set of intercepted e-mails so explosive that “they will topple most Western governments.”

What the megalomaniac financial elite need to realize is that the men with the guns and the senior civil servants and other top intellectuals who were not part of the inbred elite are now awake, aware and angry. They are not going to be lulled back to sleep this time.

The White Dragon Society and its allies have made certain conditions very clear. First of all a major campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction needs to be fully and immediately financed. Second, the monopoly over the creation and secret distribution of fiat currency by an inbred, self-selected elite, had to end. Third, the world needs a South African style truth and reconciliation commission in order to put an end to the fabric of lies that has been woven around much of humanity. Only then will amnesty be granted and a jubilee (the one-off elimination of all debts both public and private) take place.

The brainwashed portion of humanity is going to have to be told the truth in easy to understand, verifiable stages. As many have said, at first they will be angry but then they will be ecstatic.

Once this has happened, rational negotiations will be needed in order to totally revamp the unfair international regulations and institutions created after World War 2. Only then will humanity will be free at last to develop its full potential


Posted by benjamin
April 5, 2011

The cowardly Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan handed 60 trillion yen over to the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate immediately after his country was attacked with HAARP and nuclear terror, according to Japanese security police sources. The extortion money was paid off following threats to use HAARP to cause Mt. Fuji to erupt. For those of you still too brainwashed to believe such a thing is possible, please take a look at the following transcript available on the US Defense Department’s home page:


It quotes then Secretary of Defense William Cohen as publicly stating in 1997 that:

“Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”

The chief suspects in the Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear terror attacks against Japan are US Senator J. Rockefeller and the Bush Nazi faction of the US corporate and criminal government.

Rockefeller is a power broker behind GE, the company that manufactured the flawed reactors now spewing radiation in Fukushima. In addition, US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, acting as an envoy for Rockefeller, met with Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa on March 9th, two days before the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster hit Japan. During that meeting Campbell promised that if Ozawa cancelled his plans to split the ruling Democratic Party of Japan, Japanese public prosecutors would stop persecuting him, according to Japanese imperial family and Democratic Party sources. Ozawa was also promised control of zeolite deposits in Fukushima Prefecture, the sources said. Zeolite is used to clean up radioactive waste. It is also worth noting that Senator Rockefeller once wrote an introduction to a book by Ozawa.

In another sign this was a deliberate attack, experts at the University of Tokyo and well as in Italy detected HAARP signals focused on Fukushima in the hours before the earthquake and tsunami struck. The same signals have since been detected focused on Mt. Fuji where the ground water is heating up. In addition, over 5 different people have contacted this writer since the earthquake to warn that “Japan was about to sink into the ocean.”

To counteract this threat, the White Dragon Society has provided GPS coordinates for all worldwide HAARP facilities to the appropriate parties. We have also been contacted by agents located within US underground bases who told us the US Seal Beach underground base (with a HAARP facility in it) had seven levels with one entrance located 14,000 feet underground and another located 26,080 feet underground. There were also entrances to underground bases in Brekon Beacon in Wales, Brussels in Belgium and Berkshire, England.

Despite the cowardly reaction of the Japanese government, the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate and their corporate subsidiary known as Washington D.C. are still headed for bankruptcy. This is a fact of nature that cannot be changed with threats and violence, no matter how extreme.

Fortunately, US President Obama and four top Generals have promised to take action against the Satanist Khazarians operating inside the US in exchange for a write off of all US external debt. The debt will, of course, be written off, but only in exchange for a promise of a swords-to-plowshares transition by the military industrial complex.

In a separate development, we published a warning last week from a self-described MI6, FSB and Serbian triple agent using the code name Alexander that the Camp Bondsteel US military base in Kosovo would be hit by a suitcase nuclear bomb at 4:44 PM on April 4th. We waited to see if this would happen before writing this report and it did not.

As a result, we feel a need to explain why we took Alexander’s warning seriously. “Alexander” first contacted this writer several years ago after being introduced by a Canadian agent called Steve M. He told me he had 70 kilograms of Thai Stick, that is to say marijuana dipped in opium and said that he would kill me if I did not introduce him to the yakuza. I introduced him to a Japanese right-winger who then took him to see some Yakuza gangsters. The yakuza told him it was a trap and that the “Thai stick” was tainted with dangerous narcotic chemicals.

In fact, Alexander became increasingly delusional and megalomanic (calling himself the Anti-Christ etc.) after partaking of his own product. Alexander himself is a nice person who means well but he was sent here by some very nasty people connected to George Bush senior et al.

This trap was part of what appears to be a deliberate campaign to discredit this writer. A Japanese public security agent also, around the same period, attempted to get this writer to drink orange juice that had been spiked with amphetamines. There were other such incidents as well that I will not get into.

These attempts to destroy this writers’ mind with drugs were accompanied by a massive smear campaign. Democratic Party of Japan politicians, Japanese publishers and many other influential people have been approached multiple times by people saying “Benjamin Fulford has gone insane.”

Unfortunately for them, my sanity is still here with me (I can see it floating right above my head J).

There is nothing insane about saying that 90% of humanity’s savings should not be spent on a massive military machine engaged in perpetual warfare. It is the current rulers of the West who are acting insanely by invading harmless countries, killing innocent people and stealing their resources.

All the White Dragon society and its allies are saying is that we want the owners of the Federal Reserve Board to appear before a truth and reconciliation committee in exchange for forgiveness and that control of the global financial system be returned to the people of the planet. We have the ability to end poverty and stop environmental destruction within a matter of months.


Posted by benjamin
March 28, 2011

The people of the world need to urgently take action against the cabal responsible for the nuclear and tsunami attack against Japan because it is a sign they are desperate, dangerous and are speeding up their planned artificial end-times. The next attack is almost certain to take place on US soil and is expected to be far worse than what happened to Japan, according to multiple cabal-linked sources. The cabal is also planning to announce a new global currency in the coming weeks but it will fail because it is merely a desperate bid by them to remain in control of global finance, according to sources in the British Royal Family and at the BIS.

An international investigative team has already been assembled to locate and apprehend the parties responsible for the attack on Japan. The investigation is focusing on just how long term the planning for this attack was. As a part of this investigation, GE and Westinghouse’s nuclear power tie-ups with Toshiba and Hitachi will be scrutinized in great detail. The families that own these corporations will be on the list of suspects but, the investigative trail is widely expected to lead to the same oil company interests behind the sabotage of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the former Soviet Union. The wheels of justice grind slowly but they grind to dust.

The Chernobyl accident was caused by still unidentified “technicians” who carried out seven complex maneuvers that in retrospect could only have been part of a deliberate attempt to sabotage the reactor. As a result of that “accident” nuclear power plant construction ground to a standstill until the nuclear industry sponsored “CO2 global warming” campaign got nuclear back into fashion.

The nuclear crisis in Japan, meanwhile, continues to be the object of a major psychological warfare operation aimed at promoting fear and panic, the classic illuminati tools of social control. Almost every single opinion maker this writer talks to in Japan has been approached by individuals making wildly unscientific claims about the extent of the nuclear crisis here. The fact of the matter is that some very sophisticated but secret technology has been deployed to make sure the crisis remains localized.

The deliberate BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and now the “nuclear crisis” in Japan are just the first steps in a planned series of disasters for the fake end-times genocide. As we have reported before, multiple sources say the New Madrid fault line in the US and 14 US nuclear reactors near it are likely targets of the next attack.

It is also worth noting that a negotiator sent by the US faction of the Federal Reserve board for negotiations that took place immediately after the tsunami and nuclear crisis in Japan asked a White Dragon society representative about its support for the nuclear energy industry. The White Dragon Society believes both the oil lobby and the nuclear lobby are competing factions who share the common goal of trying to control society via centralized control of energy distribution. The White Dragon supports a responsible and carefully planned transition to free energy technology.

The oil lobby and the pentagon are also now desperately intensifying their attacks on Middle Eastern regimes in order to steal their oil and keep the US Corporate government from going bankrupt. They have been running on fumes since funding was cut off on January 31st of this year and as a result they getting increasingly desperate and dangerous.

The corporate government has also upped the bribes it is paying top pentagon brass in order to keep them loyal. General Petraeus, the beast of Afghanistan, has been offered the job of President as an added incentive for continued loyalty.

The US faction of the Federal Reserve Board’s ownership are also expected to soon deploy what they consider to be their trump card and that is the announcement of a new global currency to replace the US dollar and it will not be the Amero. The G20 meeting in China this week is expected to focus on this topic.

This announcement is expected to result in great hardship for many people in the United States as prices skyrocket and living standards plunge. A Rothschild family source says to expect gasoline prices in the US to reach around $15 a gallon.

However, this plan to remain in control of the world’s financial system by shifting power the IMF is not going to work. The fact of the matter is that most of the world’s governments no longer wish the world’s financial system to be controlled by religious fanatics who believe our future is controlled by ancient prophecies.

The Sabbatean Jews of Khazarian ancestry who we have referred to as Satanists have been told clearly they are heretics and that our destiny is not written in the stars. They have been told to stop acting as if they were God on earth and forcing us to live through ancient prophecies. From now on humanity will write its own stars.

In that respect the trillion dollar lawsuit concerning the theft of bonds in Italy by a group centered around the Davos world forum and the UN has not gone away. What is happening is that more and more crimes are being revealed and more and more witnesses are emerging, making the case more complicated and implicating far more people.

In relation to this, although a White Dragon society member was sent a picture of a beheaded Asian man and told it was R.C. Dam, Dr. Dam is in fact under protective custody and has already given testimony. We still do not have a firm date for when this lawsuit will finally be filed.

In yet another development, two different groups, both claiming to be branches of the “Dragon family,” approached the White Dragon society with offers of vast funding (hundreds of billions of dollars) to help Japan rebuild itself. They even offered to place the funds in this writer’s private bank account.

These offers appear to be genuine but they are being treated with extreme caution because they may be originating from sources connected to the people who planned and carried out the disaster in the first place.

Japan has plenty of money to rebuild itself with and requires technical assistance, not money. The people who need money are the 1.1 billion human beings who are not getting enough food to eat. The nameless innocent creatures whose ecosystems are being burned out from under them could also use such “funding.”

This battle was never about money or power, it was about the future of the planet earth. The group that is still planning to murder over 4 billion humans must be stopped. We have the technical ability as a species to end poverty and stop environmental destruction without resorting to genocide.

We also have technology that will allow us to experience the greatest leap in progress since civilization began. Just what are we waiting for?


The United States occupation forces in Japan are staging a major strategic defeat because they know the Japanese defense establishment knows it was elements of the US military that set off the March 11, (311) tsunami attack against Japan. This attack used nuclear weapons drilled into the seabed by submarines and not HAARP according to senior Pentagon Sources. In addition, four months ago they overruled Japanese authorities and placed deadly plutonium into the number 3 reactor at Fukushima, according to the governor of Fukushima prefecture. This was to provide a nuclear cover story for the seabed atomic attack, pentagon sources say. Needless to say, the ring-leaders of this attack are now in hiding and know they will be found.

The attack on Japan was orchestrated by the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller cabal in an attempt to prevent the upcoming bankruptcy of their criminal corporate government in Washington D.C. That is why they staged the farcical show of “President” Obama of the bankrupt United States signing an “aid” bill for Japan, as if they could terrorize the rest of the world into giving them more money. That is also why they are now desperately trying to use their extortionist nation-wrecking IMF as the new vehicle for a “global currency.”

In addition, Chinese and Russian intelligence now report that Germany’s Angela Merkel is the daughter of Adolf Hitler thanks to the use of frozen sperm and the expertise of a Nazi doctor captured by the Soviets. That means she is almost certainly one of the ringleaders of the Nazi faction still hoping for a fascist world totalitarian government.

The Pentagon, for its part, is running out of oil thanks to a spreading global oil boycott targeting the criminal US corporate government. Bombing Libya will not help their case, just as attacking Japan did not help.

They are whistling in the wind because the whole world despises them and will no longer do business with them, even if this means facing down their threats of additional violence.

Their only hope is to turn over their command and control to General Colin Powell and other decent human beings still to be found within that large, bureaucratic and potentially good organization.

Meanwhile, multiple sources report that cabalist bankers, US military forces, corporate propaganda experts and other occupation forces have left Japan or have withdrawn to Okinawa. Japanese workers at US bases say troops have been withdrawn from all bases on the Japanese mainland, although this is not yet fully confirmed. However, we can confirm that agents of the criminal part of the Federal Reserve board have now left Japan. We would like to bid an especially good riddance to the rapacious bankers who have been stealing Japanese savings and using them to buy up chunks of Japan’s industry.

We can also now say that arch-traitor Heizo Takenaka, the former Finance Minister of Japan, will be facing multiple criminal charges for his crimes against the Japanese people during his time in power with the murderer Junichiro Koizumi.

One example of his criminality that we can prove in great detail in a court of law is his theft of the company Mizawa home. Takenaka illegally and unethically forced financially sound Mizawa Home into a government “financial restructuring agency,” pumped at least $200 million of Japanese taxpayer money into it and then handed it over to his brother who is now chairman of Misawa home. Our sources for this include Chiyoji Misawa, the founder of Misawa Home.

There will also be insider trading investigations into the sudden rise of the stock price of Higashi Nihon House in the month prior to the earthquake. It would only make sense for the share price of that company to rise as it did in the month prior to the tsunami if someone had insider knowledge that a bunch of housing was about to be destroyed. Japan has 3 million empty homes and a shrinking population.

Investigations will also reveal if Takenaka’s take-over of Misawa home was a sign this attack was planned long in advance.

We have also been informed by an astute reader that a Canadian company sent large shipments of Potassium Iodide to South Korea (a treatment for radioactive poisoning) one month before the nuclear “accidents,” in the Fukushima earthquake zone.

A representative of the Satanists was also told by a White Dragon Society representative that their idea that prophecy of the future was written in the stars and could not be changed was balderdash. “We will write our own stars,” he was told.

Finally, this writer went to the volcanic Island of Oshima to watch the supermoon on March 19th. The moon appeared a bright gold in color and had the exact same trajectory over the sky as did the sun on the following day. There were plenty of presumably US military observation planes in the sky over Oshima on that night but they left disappointed. Anything unusual that took place, took place when they were not watching.

This writer would like to add that even if he was given a technology capable of destroying the planet, he would never use it. Using it to save the planet is a different question but, humans already know how to do that.


Illuminati Earthquake attack on Tokyo was deflected, England and the United States are the next target

Benjamin Fulford, March 16, 2011

The earthquake and tsunami attack on Japan by the criminal corporate Washington D.C. cabal was meant to intimidate the people of the world into submission. Instead, it has provoked a threat by a very powerful group outside of the control of the White Dragon Society to “sink England, Italy and the United States into the ocean.” The White Dragon Society and its allies are appealing for calm and a negotiated solution before the planet earth is destroyed. High level negotiations aimed at accomplishing exactly this are now taking place in Tokyo and Osaka.

The earthquake attack was preceded by some very interesting numerical “coincidences.” First of all, a sum of 888.88 dollars was sent on March 8th to a key individual in New York who was supposed to cash it on March 8th, instead the cashed it on March 9th. Then on March 10th, an agent of the dark cabal set a key White Dragon Society member’s mobile alarm to ring at 11 AM Japan time on March 11th . Then at exactly 12:34 two identical e-mails were sent by two individuals to each other giving the geographical coordinates to the Ogasawara Islands. The quake that hit Japan on March 11 was initially given a magnitude of 8.8 but was then revived upwards to 8.9. The quake and tsunami attack was originally intended for Tokyo but was deflected to the North-East of the Ogasawara Islands.

A look at the tsunami map will clearly show it does not make sense as a natural disaster because Japan’s major urban locations (except Sendai) along the tsunami hit coast experienced no wave whatsoever. All this sounds very bizarre but can be proven scientifically.

We can also say that this writer has received multiple threats from Satan worshippers located within the Vatican and in Washington D.C. that “Japan will be sunk into the ocean.”

There is also evidence of insider trading related to this earthquake attack. For example the stock price of the company Higashi Nihon House, has been rising unnaturally for the past month. Japan has over 3 million vacant houses and a shrinking population so it is hard to explain the stock price rise unless somebody knew there would be a lot of reconstruction of destroyed housing. It would not surprise me if the investigative trail in this probable insider trading case led to cabal members.

In any case, negotiations are now taking place between the White Dragon and representatives of the Wall Street faction of the U.S. corporate government. The White Dragon Society is asking for a new global economic planning agency charged with ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and releasing free energy technology in a safe and orderly manner. The Wall Street faction wants three new sovereign offshore centers for Oligarchs to conduct their business in private. The White Dragon Society is hopeful negotiations will conclude harmoniously this week.

However, the hard-core Satanic faction that still wants to kill over 4 billion people is still making threats. They fear mass arrests and are threatening to “split the planet in half” if these arrests take place. The Satanists have all been physically located and are being monitored by White Dragon forces and their allies.

The Satanists are also now trying to exaggerate fears about nuclear fall-out and nuclear melt-down in Japan. This is part of a psychological warfare follow-up to the earthquake weapon attack. Panic causing information is emanating from the U.S. embassy in Tokyo, U.S. corporations and their agents. The Satanists need a critical mass of fear and negative feeling in order to force populations to submit to their will and obey them.

The White Dragon Society urges everybody to take appropriate precautions based on correct scientific evidence but to avoid irrational panic because that is exactly what the Satanists want.

The faction making the threat to sink Italy, the U.S. and England to the bottom of the ocean has in its hands a weapon with planet destroying potential. The White Dragon Society has asked them to please avoid killing innocent people if they do go ahead and use their weapon. If we can give them precise coordinates of key Satanic infrastructure this would make it easier to avoid the deaths of innocents.

We would like to ask readers to find the precise GPS coordinates of the various HAARP facilities and other weapons of mass destruction still in the hands of the Satanic faction. This way the White Dragon Society could offer the holders of the planet destroying weapons an opportunity to protect lives.


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