Message from Benjamin Fulford


The cabal is down but not out, attack on all fronts until they surrender

October 8, 2013 at 2:50pm

October 7, 2013The criminal corporate government of the United States missed an international payment deadline on September 30th and was given until October 17th to find the money or else be declared bankrupt. These are people who have been constantly murdering and looting the planet for hundreds of years and we must not waste the real, rare chance we have now to put them out of business forever.

Last week Skull and Bones murderer and cabal slave John Kerry plus traitor Chuck Hagel were in Korea and Japan looting local oligarchs’ money in order to try to save the Washington D.C. crime syndicate.

They were able to get enough money to put 400,000 civilian pentagon workers back on the payroll but not enough to stave off bankrupcty. We have confirmed from multiple direct pentagon and agency contacts that there is no military action planned to remove the criminals from Washington D.C. That is why we must not let ourselves be fooled again.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the political elite in Washington D.C. are hopelessly compromised and brainwashed so action against them will have to start at a local direct level.

Fortunately, humanity is awaking to the horror imposed upon them by the Satan worshipping elite that seized control of the United States and turned that once Christian nation into a mass murder machine. Victory will be ours.

There is a manhunt going on now for key cabal leaders known to be involved in nuclear terror, indiscriminate biological warfare and other attempts to kill 90% of humanity and prepare for a 1000 year fascist reich. Those of us who have studied our real history know many of the names like David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, George Bush Sr. and Jr., Tony Blair, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Rothschild family and others. Less known are the P2 fascist lodge secret bosses like Marco Di Mauro and Giancarlo Bruno.

If you see any of these people in public you are legally entitled to kill them in self-defense because they are actively trying to kill you and your family.

People also need to understand that these people have a global network of over 1 million agents who are working to create a totalitarian style Babylonian style world dictatorship. Many of them can be identified as Talmudic (as opposed to Torah) Jews who regularly attend services at synagogues and believe other humans are cattle. Stop insulting the real Jews by calling them Jews and call them Babylonian Satan worshippers because that is what they are. They must be removed from all government and media posts until an international tribunal can sort the wheat from the chaff.

However, many Satanists pretend to belong to other religions or cults. These can usually be identified because they have a charismatic leader and a strict, often secret, hierarchical structure. Think Moonie, Scientologist and Christian Zionist.

Top cabal government proxies include Prime Minister David Cameron of the UK, Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada, corporate US government President Barack Obama, UN head Ban Ki Moon and Japanese slave government leader Shinzo Abe.

Remember, these cultists use control of the process of creating and distributing money as the source of their power.

In military and strategic terms, the best way to end their horrific rule would be to seize or destroy the headquarters of the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, the 12 Federal Reserve Board Branches in the United States, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and the International Montery Fund headquarters.

If their monopoly control of the distribution of money was taken from them and returned to the people, humanity would become free and prosperous.

Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer describes in concrete terms what a democratically run central bank could and did accomplish in Canada between 1939 and 1974, when control was ceded to the BIS Mafiosi.

I remember from my own childhood that manual workers got more pay than office workers because they had harder work and how everybody was well off. The governor of the Bank of Canada lived across the street from us in a middle class neighbourhood and went to work in a Volkswagen beetle.

After the BIS took over, the price of a chocolate bar went from 10 cents to a dollar within a few years.

The dimes and quarters that were made out of silver were replaced with cheap trinkets. Canadian living standards began to decline as money was stolen by the bankers using inflation.

Hellyer is well known to exo-politics and disclosure types as one of the most senior former government types to have has gone on the record about human encounters with aliens.

I can confirm from having visited P2 Freemason headquarters in Italy that the senior members of this fascist group believe they work for an alien intelligence known to them as the black sun. They invited me to go to Switzerland to visit it. I did not go because I figured they just wanted to kill me there because they failed to kill me when they poisoned me in Milan.

In any case, here is what the Greek historian Heredotus wrote about the Babylonian god:

“On the topmost tower there is a spacious temple, and inside the temple stands a couch of unusual size, richly adorned, with a golden table by its side. There is no statue of any kind set up in the place, nor is the chamber occupied of nights by any one but a single native woman, who, as the Chaldaeans, the priests of this god, affirm, is chosen for himself by the deity out of all the women of the land. They also declare- but I for my part do not credit it- that the god comes down in person into this chamber, and sleeps upon the couch.”

I can also state that a beautiful female agent sent to me by Middle Eastern arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi said she had had her womb tampered with by giant humanoids. Her description sounded a lot like ancient and modern depictions of the Anunnaki.

Now, like Heredotus, I remain skeptical about such a god actually manifesting in a humanoid form.

However, it is true that Zionist or Satanic ruling bloodlines consider themselves to have been our rulers or, Anunnaki, since ancient times. This could be a story they put out about themselves to awe and intimidate the slave classes.

It is also a forensically provable fact that the private banking cartel centered on the BIS has acted like a black hole sucking the wealth and life force out of humanity and this planet.

For the past several decades at least, and probably much longer, wealth has been pouring from the poor to the rich where it seems to vanish into nothing. The poor are forced to pillage and destroy nature in order to stay alive. The result is that we as a species are wiping out life from this planet at an unprecedented rate even as 1.4 billion people starve.

The principle is simple: the banksters have exploited a loophole in our psychology that is expressed by the saying “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” They have been offering us a bird today in exchange for two tomorrow. This is the black sun of the fascists. It has been sucking the life blood out of our planet.

The gnostic illuminati think this entity already wiped out life that used to thrive on Mars.

This sort of talk is out of line with the usual hard news I report but clearly something is not right with this planet. So many of us know the US government is corrupt and sold out but yet year in and year out the situation just goes from bad to worse and the same criminals remain in power. One can be forgiven for wondering if there is some sort of hidden, non-human control mechanism.

My guess is that, at the very least, we are dealing with some sort of inter-generational cultural mind control that can be seen, metaphorically, as an alien intelligence. People born into the bloodlines that carry this tradition have to go along or be killed.

Finally, readers who expected the usual hard news need to understand that some sort of information blackout is taking place.

However, it is clear something big is going down. First, Obama cancelled a trip to Asia this week and all negotiations on the so-called Trans Pacific Partnership or TPP have stopped. Second, negotiations on US-EU economic integration have been suspended. Third, there was a failed cabal attempt to murder Prince Harry in Afghanistan, according to MI5 sources. Fourth, Chuck Hagel refused to meet with White Dragon Society members during his trip to Korea and Japan last week. Fifth, another faction of the cabal offered last week to hand over, for free, Federal Reserve Board boxes to the WDS.

Let’s close with a message to the cabal: the hacker group anonymous and the gnostic illuminati have plans for mass arrests and bloody revolution. This will lead to much death and misery. The time for peaceful surrender and a harmonious transition is running out.




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