Message from Benjamin Fulford


Evidence of the old order collapsing is all around us

There is no need to have special sources in high places to see that the 230-year old “New World Order,” is collapsing on multiple fronts. All we need to do is examine a series of unusual news events reported in the corporate propaganda media to see that this is the case.

First of all there are many signs of a break in the traditional Anglo Saxon alliance between Britain and the US. The latest was Hillary Clinton’s statements supportive of Argentina over the sovereignty of the Falklands Islands. This sort of statement would have been unthinkable in the past.

That is not the only sign continental Europe is distancing itself from the US. France just announced the sale of four state-of-the-art warships to Russia. With the US still trying to portray Russia as an enemy and still engaged in various aggressive military moves against Russia this amounts to a serious slap in the face from a US ally.

Perhaps the most important developments though, are happening in Turkey. The ongoing purge of the Turkish military is a sign that the “young Turks” who overthrew the Ottoman Empire are being ousted from power. This is disturbing news for the Zionists because Turkey is a Nato member with a modern 1.5 million man army. Turkey has recently engaged in military exercises with Israeli enemy Syria and refused to let Israel participate in a Nato military maneuver in Turkey.

The fact that Congress passed a law condemning the Turkish acts against the Armenians over a century ago (how about condemning the multiple US sponsored genocides first) and Turkey recalled its ambassador is a clear sign of this split between Turkey and the Zionists.

The Zionist US government is also being rebuffed on all fronts in its efforts to isolate Iran. Brazil, Russia and China are just some of the countries who no longer listen to hysterical US ranting about Iran being an “existential threat” to Israel. The Israelis appear to be some of the most brainwashed people on earth and somebody needs to explain very clearly to them that nobody is out to get them or start a new holocaust. They could start by listening with their own years (not through deliberate mistranslations) to what Iranian President Ahmajinedad is actually saying. They are perfectly safe and should stop being paranoid.

The EU is also in serious trouble these days. Both France and Germany have now announced they will not pay any more money to support Greece. In Greece meanwhile, protesters have occupied the Finance Ministry and have put the parliament under siege. The Mediterranean countries are continuing to contemplate leaving the Euro zone and setting up their own Mediterranean currency, according to P2 Masonic lodge sources.

Another sign of a split among the oligarchs is the moves being made against Goldman Sachs and others. Both the Justice Department and the Federal Reserve Board have called for investigations of Goldman Sachs actions in Greece. In addition, The Wall Street Journal Marketwatch also reported the following: “The U.S. Justice Department recently asked hedge-fund firms Soros Fund Management, Paulson & Co., SAC Capital Advisors and Greenlight Capital to preserve documents related to trading in the euro, according to a person familiar with the situation.”

These moves are also no doubt connected to the investigations of the New York Federal Reserve Board on the suspicion it illegally funneled money to AIG.

President Obama’s support of former Fed Chief Paul Volcker’s planned new restrictions on banks is still another sign of pressure against a particular group of Oligarchs.

Seen in that light, the latest scheme to revive the Amero I reported in my blog would appear to be backed by the CIA/Goldman Sachs faction. The people who are pushing this Amero plan told me the Federal Reserve Board would be abolished. It is doubtful they will be able to carry out this plan because not many people would be willing to trade their dollars for the new Ameros even if they are backed by Canadian and Mexican gold.

Meanwhile, in Japan, the right wing forces have come up with new plans to overthrow the Democratic Party of Japan’s government. They say DPJ power broker Ichiro Ozawa will be ousted by May because they have gathered a lot of information about his shady activities which the plan to make public. They also say the Liberal Democratic Party that ruled Japan until recently was going to be dismantled. Their scenario calls for the emergence of three new parties by this summer. One party would be led by popular LDP politician Yoichi Masuzoe. Another would be headed by veteran lawmaker Takeo Hiranuma. A third would consist of the rump of the DPJ.

Overall, the situation appears to be fluid and unstable and more changes can be expected in the run up to the upper house elections due this summer.

The Japanese right wing and defense establishment also need to rethink their dependence on the US for military protection. The fact that Obama ignored Japan and proposed creating a G2 with China is a clear sign of real US thinking. With the public announcement of US bankruptcy just a matter of time, it is highly doubtful the US will be able to maintain its current massive military machine. It is also hard to imagine the US would risk total war with China to protect Japan. The Japanese need to forge their own military alliances with countries like India and Russia that also border China and also are wary of absolute Chinese domination.

The harassing of Japanese automakers by US authorities and the most likely retaliatory raid by Japanese authorities against IBM Japan make it clear the US/Japan alliance is on shaky ground.

As the old order continues to crumble, there are signs the new financial system is almost ready for announcement and implementation. Multiple groups are now offering to fund the construction of factories to begin implementing hitherto forbidden technology. Multiple reliable sources are also saying that large funds are being mobilized worldwide to finance the new paradigm. There are still various technical issues to be overcome but the signs are good.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Okinawa reversion account at Fed found

Kyodo News

The government has turned up a record that shows Japan deposited about $60 million into a noninterest bearing account at a U.S. Federal Reserve Bank in connection with financing the 1972 reversion of Okinawa under a purported secret agreement between the two countries, government sources said Friday.

The account at a U.S. Federal Reserve bank was probably used in connection with Japan's shouldering of costs for the reversion and it is possible that proceeds generated from the deposit were given to the United States, according to experts on Japan-U.S. relations.

Declassified documents in the United States and testimony by former senior Japanese government officials have confirmed the existence of secret agreements in relation to the 1972 reversion, but past Japanese governments have denied them.

It is believed Japan has given about a total of $120 million in proceeds from the deposit over the years to the United States through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York account.

Finance Minister Naoto Kan, asked about the deposit at a news conference Friday, said, "It is certain that there was an account and there were interest-free deposits in it."

But he declined to give details or comment on whether the deposits were connected with the reversion.

Kan said the Finance Ministry is still consulting with the Foreign Ministry, which has taken the lead role in investigating whether there were various secret pacts.

Original link:

Kyodo News link:


Japan made secret $60 million deposit to U.S. bank for return of Okinawa

The Finance Ministry has found a document suggesting that Japan donated over $100 million in yields from a deposit with a U.S. bank to Washington under the bilateral secret pact on the 1972 return of Okinawa to Japan, government sources said.

The newly discovered record shows that Japan deposited $60 million with a U.S. federal reserve bank through the Bank of Japan, and declined to accept $112 million in yields on it over a 25-year period.

The government is to announce the results of the Finance Ministry's investigation into the deposit next week at the earliest.

Under the official bilateral agreement on the Okinawa reversion, Japan was required to foot $320 million to return assets held by the United States in Okinawa and remove nuclear weapons from the area.

However, a document that University of the Ryukyus Professor Masaaki Gabe obtained from the U.S. National Archives in 2000 shows that Japan was also secretly required to pay an additional $187 million. The document states that Washington asked Tokyo to raise $112 million of the amount through deposit yields.

The sources assume that the two countries came up with the idea after the United States rejected Japan's request that all assets be freely returned.

The Japanese government has so far not acknowledged the existence of such a deposit. There are also no documents showing that the deposit was aimed at paying for the return of Okinawa.

However, the Finance Ministry and the Foreign Ministry believe that the discovery of the deposit record will support what is stated in the U.S. document, according to the sources.

The Finance Ministry had searched for documents relating to the secret pact on the Okinawa reversion at the request of the Foreign Ministry's panel of experts on the issue and on the order of Finance Minister Naoto Kan.

Original link:

ページ更新時間:2010年03月05日(金) 15時25分


■ 密約調査、米側に預金は「裏負担」か








沖縄返還に伴う対米支払いの内訳 ※単位は万ドル
沖縄返還に伴う対米支払いの内訳 ※単位は万ドル






 ◇ことば 沖縄返還協定の密約


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Report on negotiations with the illuminati in Italy

Negotiations between representatives of the illuminati and the Black Dragon Society in Italy between February 17 and 24th were productive and friendly. Meetings took place between myself as special ambassador for the BDS and an illuminati “mastermind,” a French General, a representative of Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi and Russia’s Putin, a Vatican representative, a representative for former US Vice-President Cheney, a representative of Wall Street, a representative of the Saudi Royal family and others. The overall conclusion was that free energy and other forbidden technology should be developed and deployed in a manner that does not disrupt current businesses and governments.

The most important discussions were with the “mastermind,” who seemed to be in a position of authority over most of the other people I met (with the clear exception of Putin’s representative). He expressed various European and American concerns. The first was that the West did not want to submit to Chinese rule. We made it very clear that Asian countries were making a 50/50 deal with the West. The best way to describe the essential mechanism behind the proposed new financial system is to think of two people sitting across a table from each other each pointing a gun. If the person on the other side is a beautiful woman or handsome man, you may decide to make love. If it is a disgusting man coming to rape you, you may decide to fight. If it is someone who does not interest you in any way, you may decide to walk away.

The mastermind also expressed puzzlement at why Asian countries suddenly stopped investing in the West. “We helped them modernize their economies so why are they doing this to us?” he asked. We explained that Asian countries wanted to invest their hard earned dollars in high-tech, in building schools and bridges, in ending poverty, in helping the West rebuild in infrastructure in fact in anything except a giant military industrial murder machine.

The other big concern was that if hydrocarbons became obsolete, governments would lose a large source of tax revenue and that vast amounts of people would become unemployed. We explained that instead of sticking straws into the ground to suck out oil, the big energy companies could do things like build vast desalination plants and dig huge canals to turn the deserts green. The Sahara alone is three times the size of Australia and if turned green it could provide homes for billions of people as well as land for vast new nature preserves.

The Illuminati in Italy, we learned on this trip, are members of the old Roman aristocratic families who intermarried over the generations to keep their bloodlines “pure.” They claim to have ruled humanity since before ancient Egypt according to a divine plan they were entrusted with. They worship the sun and practice other pagan rituals inside Catholic churches after closing hours. According to their belief system something known as the procession of the equinoxes will take place in 2012 at which point their rule will end and the Age of Aquarius will start.

According to them, a German based Cabal, known as the Thule society did not want to relinquish control over the planet and were instead plotting to set up a 1,000 year Nazi Reich. To implement this rule, they planned to murder over 4 billion humans and enslave the rest. However, now it appears the Mediterranean countries, France, England and Russia have joined the BDS in opposition to this plan.

This means the Nazi power base is being reduced to Washington D.C., Germany and some Nordic countries. One sign of this is that the Mediterranean countries are now seriously contemplating abandoning the Euro and setting up a new Mediterranean currency.

In a clear sign of rats deserting a sinking ship, Cheney’s representative said Cheney was not a real power broker but rather a think tank type of guy who just followed orders. We said we would work with anybody, including Cheney and his group, if they agreed to join the campaign to end poverty, end war, stop environmental destruction and develop the forbidden technologies.

The only representative who did not appear willing to compromise was the man from Wall Street. He was told in no uncertain terms that the big Wall Street firms that own the Federal Reserve Board will have to eliminate all the dollars created through fraudulent derivatives or they would remain isolated from the rest of the world’s financial system. He was also told the new technology would be developed and that they had better join the bandwagon or get left behind. He did not provide any clear answer.

However, in a sign these people do not plan to go quietly into the night, the Washington D.C. crime syndicate fired up HAARP again and hit Chile in response to the setting up of a new Latin American Federation that exclude the US and its puppet rogue government in Honduras.

Their time is limited nonetheless because multiple investigations are closing in on them. Among other things, Goldman Sachs in being investigated for engaging in economic sabotage against Greece, the New York Federal Reserve Board is being investigated for illegally funneling money to AIG and calls for a renewed investigation of 911 are becoming unstoppable. We expect a Pentagon move against the Washington D.C. criminal establishment sometime before this summer.

There are also signs now on multiple fronts that the financial logjam is beginning to break. Hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions of dollars, may soon become available to start implementing the new economic paradigm. One foundation is going to be set up to be run on a 50/50 basis between East and West. Many other foundations will start moving according to their own agendas. Hopefully this will include the various “programs,” that have been blocked. We have also proposed creating a world people’s central bank. This bank would be run on the principle of one human, one vote and possibly run via the internet.

It is still not certain when public announcements will be made or if they will ever be made. However, as always we remain hopeful that it will happen sooner rather than later.

※Notice to all paid subscribers. We realize that several web-sites are illegally posting our newsletter for free. We have asked them to desist. We also have explained that we will provide a free copy of the newsletter to anybody who claims to be too poor to pay for it. We need the revenue from this newsletter to support our activities and appreciate your continued support. We are not allowed by Japanese law to solicit donations so this is our only form of revenue. Thanks to paid subscribers I was just barely able to afford airfare to Italy and hotel bills there. Thank you again for your continued support.


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