Message from Benjamin Fulford


One million North American Satanists seeking refuge from expected pogrom

Over one million North American Satanists are seeking refuge outside of North America sources with direct access to a former US president, a source close to David Rockefeller and a member of the Japanese cabinet say. The reason they are seeking a refuge is that they fear the reaction of the American people when they find out what was done to them. So far the Japanese, Philippine and Israeli governments have all refused to give the Satanists shelter.

The Satanists are mostly but not exclusively of Khazarian descent but they pretend to be Jews, Christians and Moslems in order to hide their affiliation. The Satanists are the people who were participating in the plot to enslave humanity.

The US military and intelligence agencies, as well as the enraged US public are in the process of forcing the corrupt Washington politicians to audit the Federal Reserve Board. When this happens the investigative trail will lead to the horrific story of how Americans were slowly, slowly enslaved during the 20th century by these Satan worshippers.

Once they got control of the right to print money in 1916, they immediately started to buy up all the newspapers, then the radio stations, the TV stations, the movie industry and trade journals. Their biggest coup was to take over the text book publishing industry in order to be able to brainwash generations of children.

They then took over most of industry, the various professional organizations, the Washington establishment, the medical establishment and much of the court system as well. Here is a link to the confessions of one Satan worshipper that is well worth reading though very disturbing.

The Hidden Tyranny

Their plan was to kill at least 4 billion people and permanently enslave the rest of humanity. There is so much evidence for this now that only the fools still relying on Satanic corporate propaganda do not realize it yet. The plan involved a fake alien invasion, germ warfare, starvation, atomic war and artificially generated disasters like tsunamis and earthquakes.

There are now enough whistleblowers and evidence to show they engaged in human sacrifice, pedophilia and enslavement of children.

The extent of this problem may be so bad that many good hearted people will react with denial and horror. According to the US Justice Department 797,500 children go missing every year in the United States. Of these 203,900 are abducted by family members and 148,000 are found and returned to their families. That means close to 450,000 children go missing in the US every year. That is well over ten times the rate children go missing in Japan or South Korea. Even if you assume there are runaways who never contact their families again, there is a vast and growing pool of evidence that many of these children have been killed or turned into sex slaves by the Satanists.

They were also responsible for World Wars, genocide and the impoverishment of large swathes of humanity during the 20th century.

Of course when they start auditing the Federal Reserve Board the investigation will not immediately uncover all of this.

Instead they will be concentrating on locating all the money and property stolen from the American people by the owners of the Federal Reserve Board, according to my sources. The plan is to use the money to pay back US external debt.

The entire TARP exercise and the “Lehman shock,” were really a case of the Chinese, Russians and others demanding the Federal Reserve Board pay the money they owed to them. They did this by passing a bill to steal from the American people rather than pay out of their own pocket. Unfortunately for them this brazen act meant their cover was going to be blown.

My family is one of the greatest victims of the Satanic Federal Reserve Board. My great grandfather was the largest holder of General Electric shares and was getting ready to buy General Motors when he died in a suspicious car accident.

His son in law, the Sheriff of Brockville Ontario died shortly afterwards. The Fulford GE shares were then taken by a corrupt trust fund and ended up in the hands of the Rockefellers. Almost all American families have suffered similar losses, if not necessarily on the same scale.

The Satanists, of course, do not plan to slink off quietly into the night and will try everything they can to prevent their exposure. Fortunately for the American people the Pentagon, the CIA and various other government agencies have now reached a consensus that they will take no military action against the American people on behalf of the Satanists.

Instead, the plan is to decapitate the snake by confiscating the fortunes stolen by the Satanists. One of them, Henry Kissinger, was recently stopped from leaving the country with two large suitcases filled with cash. He is now a very scared man as well he should be.

It is very unlikely the one million Satanists will find any refuge on this planet so it will probably be up to the American people to deal with them. The best solution would probably be the arrest of their leaders and the re-education of the rest of them.

All of this information is not going to be known to the general public for a while yet. However, for those who are outside of the system, we see a slow motion train wreck in progress that nothing is going to stop. The participation of 40% of the Greek population in anti-bank demonstrations is just an early indicator of what is to come. There will be revolution throughout the West against all dishonest banksters.

Finally, we are once again hearing that vast amounts of funding will soon be made available to humanity. There is much we cannot disclose in order to prevent Federal Reserve Board sabotage but we remain optimistic. Although many deadlines have come and gone, it is mathematically impossible for the Feds to dig themselves out of the hole they are now in.

Finally, remember it is not over until it is over so keep alert and focus on what is closest and most important to you as the storm approaches its climax.



The new financial system now supposed to start on May 11th but believe it when you see it.

A new dollar to replace the US dollar is going to be introduced on May 11th, according to a senior CIA source. Other sources, including linked to the Chinese politburo, the Japanese secret government and the British Royal family have all said something big and good is imminent. However, we have seen so many deadlines come and go that we shall continue to believe only what we see. Fortunately, there is plenty out there to show the New World Order really is coming down.

The most important sign remains the criminal investigation of Goldman Sachs. This is a frontal attack on Wall Street and the Feds. The wheels of justice grind slowly but they grind to dust. The Europeans are now also considering bringing criminal and civil charges against Goldman for helping Greece cook its government books. There is an awful lot I could say about Goldman’s activities in Japan too but, because of promises made to Japanese underworld sources, I will keep my Japan Goldman file as insurance and not have it made public unless I die.

In any case, this probe is not about Goldman Sachs so much as it is about the entire Western banking system. The audit of the Federal Reserve Board that is now under way is now expected to go all the way back to 1916, when the Federal Reserve Board first went into business (The act creating the Fed was passed in 1913 but did not go into force until 1916).

As a sign of more to come, Deutschebank offices have been raided in Germany, England and the Netherlands as part of a probe of fraudulent CO2 trading. The corporate press and the blogosphere are now going into pack feeding frenzy mode as it finally appears safe to target the previously taboo. They will not have to dig far before they uncover an awful lot of dirt.

In a sign of the increasing isolation of the Washington D.C. corporation, the Europeans have been making many public statements in recent days about the need to totally revamp the global financial system: The head of the European Central Bank told my former employer Forbes magazine of the need for global financial governance; President Sarkozy of Francewas in China promising to work together on “global monetary reform;” and the President of the European Commission was in Japan and China meeting with the Emperor and Chinese leaders discussing the “financial crisis.”

ECB President Favors Global Governance

Sarkozy and Hu bury hatchet in Beijing talks

Chinese President holds talks with European Commission President in Shanghai

We also confirmed, from our sources that reports the British royalty have asked the politicians in Washington to leave the 10 square British property known as Washington D.C. are correct. It is doubtful this order will be obeyed but it is one more piece of evidence to show the increasing isolation of the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate.

There are also signs of military moves to fill the vacuum expected to be created when the Pentagon begins to evacuate many of the 800 or so overseas military bases it will soon not be able to pay for. The biggest sign was the Japanese self-defense forces creating Japan’s first overseas base since World War 2. The base is being set up in Djibouti to protect shipping from the Middle East.

The Russians also held giant naval exercises in the Sea of Japan in what seems to be a signal to the Japanese that “we both have an interest in containing China.” Ever since Obama went to China last year to propose the US and China create a G2, the Japanese have begun to doubt if the US would really go to war with China to save them. That is why they are now probing the possibility of allying themselves with India, Russia and other countries that actually have borders with China.

The North Koreans also seem to be ratcheting up the pressure on South Korea to come up with a peace agreement. Sorcha Faal, the US Naval Intelligence information/disinformation site, claims it was the North Koreans who blew up the oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Our source in China linked to the politburo confirmed this, saying the new North Korean regime has decided to “display its strength, bravery and determination.” Since North Korea and South Korea are technically at war, North Korea is actually allowed to carry out such acts of sabotage. Other sources believe it was the Bush/Nazi faction that blew up the oil rig to spite the British and create distraction from their troubles. However, since North Korea has worked closely with this faction in the past, the two scenarios are not mutually contradictory.

There many similar signs of high-level preparations for change. For example, last week the head of the UN and the Bank of Japan、among others, called for the release and funding of “green energy technology.” There are many actual concrete new energy technology deals in the works that we are aware of but will not yet write about in order to prevent sabotage.

Meanwhile, in Japan secret government sources continue to say the Prime Minister Hatoyama will probably resign this month and be replaced by Finance Minister Naoto Kan. I know Kan quite well and am quite sure he is not a Federal Reserve Board puppet. However, it remains to be seen if he has what it takes to reboot Japan’s financial system.

The Liberal Democratic Party that ruled Japan since the end of World War 2 is rapidly falling apart and efforts to create a new, viable right-leaning party are proceeding rapidly. Japanese power brokers are planning to revamp the political system sometime after the upper house elections due July 11th. Their hope is to create a new dominant umbrella party containing various factions much like the LDP did in its heyday.

No matter what though, the days of Japan being a Federal Reserve Board/New World Order colony are coming to an end.
The various global power brokers this writer has talked to have said there will not be any special announcements of a sudden change in how the world is governed. Instead, they say it will take place in bits and pieces and is exactly how events appear to be unfolding. There can be no doubt to any but the most brainwashed that historical changes are happening at an accelerating rate.


Illuminati headed for civil war or revolution, Kissinger rebuffed in Japan, Obama rebuffed in Iran

There are numerous signs of severe discord within the European and North American secret governments these days. What we seem to be witnessing is the very dangerous death throes of the Nazi faction of the Western secret government. They have launched a desperate counter-attack over the past week in order to prevent the implementation of the new financial system. This counter-attack has been triggered because most members of the Washington establishment, top pentagon brass and members of European Royal Families have all been handed subpoenas by judicial authorities in recent days, according to a member of the British Royal family and an opposition source in the US.

The question of what this will ultimately mean depends on how the Pentagon brass decide to react. The likely outcome is civil war in the US, according to the wife of a major oil company CEO. A source close to Bill Clinton predicts martial law and an eight year term for puppet Obama. Perhaps a more likely outcome will be regime change in the US.

What is becoming increasingly obvious is the huge split in the ranks. In the US, this centered around the SEC’s actions against Goldman Sachs. The corporate propaganda media immediately began a smear campaign against the SEC saying staffers watched porno! (imagine finding a large organization where nobody at all watched porno). Then the Republicans came in and said the charges were politically motivated. All in all it showed chaos and splits in the US government ranks.

Much of the secret action was focused on Japan where both Henry Kissinger and Bill Clinton showed up for secret lobbying visits. Kissinger offered the Japanese underworld substantial sums in exchange for a purge of anti-New World Order members of the Japanese establishment. The underworld people told him they would no longer be subcontracting for the N.W.O.

President Clinton also tried, unsuccessfully, to cash various instruments during his secret visit here last week. However, according to a source who was on the plane with Clinton, we were wrong in reporting that his holdings included the $134.5 billion worth of US bonds seized in Italy in June of 2009. “Those bonds are still being held by the government of Italy, they are asking now for 10% of their face value,” he said. In any case, Clinton also returned empty-handed.

However, our source in the Clinton plane says Clinton was offering to help resolve the crisis in a manner that would not give him any profit whatsoever. If this is true then he is basically saying he wants to cooperate with the Black Dragon Society. If so, he will be offered protection in exchange for truth.

The recent leak of information about Clinton’s responsibility for the Waco massacre may be a sign that someone has decided to jerk his chain.

In any case, be it Clinton, Kissinger or Obama who does the begging, the bottom line is that Japan will no longer finance the criminal Washington D.C. regime.

President Obama’s secret visit to Iran last weekend was meant to encourage the Iranians to depopulate Israel by using the neutron bombs sent in the days of George Bush junior, according to a cousin of the former Shah of Iran and an MI6 source. This was nothing more than a desperate attempt to revive the old plan to use a small atomic war between Iran and Israel as an excuse to set up totalitarian regimes in the West in preparation for a bigger atomic war. He was turned down.

There also seems to be something serious happening under the surface in Europe. The shut-down of European airspace came at the same time as some kind of military air drill. The Icelandic volcanic eruption was just a cover used to justify the shutting down of European airspace.

The murder of the Polish government was also likely to have been a warning to European governments by the Nazi faction. It is likely the Polish government was murdered on the anniversary of the Katyn massacre by the US criminal government in an attempt to curry favor with Putin or at least get some money.

Much of this activity was carried out in the run-up to the G20 financial summit in Washington this past weekend. The meeting has been down-played in the corporate propaganda media and is also being largely ignored by anti-globalists. Perhaps this is because they are ignoring the elephant in the living room: the bankruptcy of the United States and the need for it to give up control of the US dollar.

The IMF and its top brass were also making a strong pitch to justify their continued existence. Among the promises they are making is to end national quotas for staff (i.e. stop being a white man’s club), give more voting rights to non-G7 countries (but not more than 50%) and be nicer to poor people. It is probably too little, too late.

Although the meeting was still going on as I wrote this, my prediction is we will see a repeat of last year’s headline from the International Herald Tribune (April 3, 2009):”Talk of unity but G20 is split on how to end crisis.”

This crisis, by the way, is largely confined to the Western rich countries. Basically, the rest of the world has decided to stop subsidizing their living standards. End of story.

Meanwhile, in Japan the tenure of Prime Minister Hatoyama is expected to end in May, according to Japanese secret government sources. The new Prime Minister is expected to be Naoto Kan. However, the real power is expected to reside with power broker Ichiro Ozawa and ex-police honcho Kamei Shizuka.

Japan is probably headed for more political turmoil because of a deadlock over control of the nation’s money printing apparatus. The old aristocratic families from Choshu are reluctant to give up control. However, the current set up is becoming dysfunctional and Japan will have hyper-inflation unless they reboot their financial system.

The overall world scenario is of continued turbulence and dramatic events until the new financial system is announced. The Western secret government representatives keep saying, “very soon,” but so far it has been empty promises. The most recent date we have been promised is April 29th but these people have cried wolf too often. Believe it when you see it and not until then.

All the vulture has to do is wait until the lion dies.


Bill Clinton was not even allowed out of the plane when he arrived in Japan seeking money last week

There are multiple signs the secret financial World War 3 that has been raging is reaching a dangerous climax. The Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate appears to be on its last legs. As a sign of their desperation Bill Clinton showed up in Tokyo last week trying to cash the $134.5 billion in bonds that were confiscated in Italy last July. He was not even allowed off the plane, according to a Black Dragon Society member who was on board with him.

The main battle ground has now shifted to Japan, or more specifically to control over the bank of Japan. Bank of Japan governor Shirakawa is under pressure to sign certain documents that would provide the world with badly needed funds.

According an ex-top aide to former Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita, among other sources, a group working for former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone and the Bush Nazi faction started in the 1980’s and 90’s to systematically murder or intimidate all Japanese who had control over the distribution of funds created by the Bank of Japan. The group that tried to monopolize control over Japan’s money distribution are now under intense underground pressure to retire peacefully before it is too late.

Shirakawa is, according to our US sources, a Bush flunky who is too terrified to take any action other than preserve the status quo.

As usual we remain wary of dates but there is extremely intense behind the scenes horse trading, coupled with threats of gang war, going on as we write this report.

Our understanding is that the Japanese military/police/yakuza nexus now supports a move to the new financial system.

The question of the Emperor remains a central issue. The Black Dragon Society has recommended that the Emperor remain as a symbol of Japan but that he must be better protected from malign foreign influences.

There is much we cannot reveal due to the delicate nature of the situation. However, the Japanese underground is prepared to make some major public announcements soon about Japan, and the world’s hidden history.

The people behind the Fed, meanwhile continue to stage abominations. We are fairly certain, although we cannot prove it, that the volcanic eruption in Iceland was caused by HAARP or a similar electromagnetic weapon.

For those of you who still have not done any research on this topic I suggest you start with the following quote from April 28th, 1997 by then Defense Secretary William Cohen:

“Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”

Here is the link on the Department of Defense’s own home page:

DoD News Briefing: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen

The reason Iceland could have been targeted is because their people became the first in the West to openly defy the financial oligarchs when over 90% of their population voted against debt slavery.

We are also now coming to the conclusion that the murder of most of the Polish government was carried out by these same oligarchs of the Federal Reserve crime syndicate because they were about to free themselves from IMF control.

If nothing else, it would be really stupid of Putin and the Russians to murder the Polish government inside Russia on the anniversary of the massacre of 20,000 leading Polish citizens by Stalin.

The other big sign that things were unraveling was the move by the SEC to charge Goldman Sachs with fraud over its so-called mortgage backed securities. The investigation is likely to spread far beyond that.

If they charge Goldman they will have to charge most of the major money center banks too.
The problem is not limited to real estate related securities either.

There is now an orchestra of whistle-blowing coming from financial industry insiders who seem to have suddenly got religion. They point out that most futures markets, notably gold and silver, trade money at 100 times or more the nominal value of the underlying assets.

Apparently the entire financial system will have to be reset to 1916 in order to do away with the injustices of the Federal Reserve Board.

As we keep repeating, it is not over until it is over and we must remain extremely diligent as these dangerous criminals are removed from power. They may well try nuclear and other terror in an effort to start World War 3. Their future vision was probably revealed in the Hollywood movie 2012. In this movie a self-selected elite is saved in high-tech Noah’s arks while over 99% of humanity is wiped out. They then get to repopulate an empty planet with their self-selected group.

The Black Dragon Society repeats itself when it says that will never be allowed to happen. If they try it, this elite will be the first to be harvested if they try their planned “harvest of souls.”


About last week’s failed US begging mission in China and the continuing disintegration of the Federal Reserve Empire

Last week US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and his de-facto boss former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson were in China asking for money. According to a Chinese source who was at the meeting Paulson actually got on his knees and begged but to no avail.

The US side also asked China to raise the value of the Yuan. This may happen to some extent but it will not help the US out of its hole. The fact of the matter is that the US dollar is no longer the US dollar. About 90% of the dollars ever created are not owned by Americans. Other countries are not going to sit by and watch the value of their dollars suddenly fall by 30 or 50% or more. Since trade with the US only accounts for 12% of China’s overall trade with the world China does not need to worry so much about being shut out of the US market, either.

However, China will raise the value of its currency and tighten interest rates to prevent its economy from overheating. Last week in Beijing I tried for over an hour to catch a taxi but to no avail. The taxi drivers were only picking up passengers who were travelling a long distance.

Furthermore, the price of housing is getting so high it is becoming difficult for the average worker to buy a house. This is exactly the sort of thing that happened in Japan when they had their bubble. The Chinese government is keenly aware of this and will definitely start to tighten money and this will raise the Yuan by a small amount.

However, the US really needs to issue a new currency with about 50% of the purchasing power of the dollar if it is to rebuild a competitive manufacturing base.

There are signs that even more drastic measures are being planned. According to two senior source, one in the BIS and one in the British Royal Family, the Federal Reserve Board is going through its books dating all the way back to 1916 and eliminating all funds generated through fraudulent means. If this is true it would include things like World War I, World War II and the Russian revolution. The resulting announcements would be historical. However, we will only believe this when we actually see it happen.

In a sign that things are coming to a head, a representative of Bill and Hillary Clinton contacted the Black Dragon Society trying to cut a deal over the $134.5 billion worth of bonds seized in Italy in June of 2009. Basically they say “if you cut a deal with Bill, the bonds can be cashed right away.” The problem is that “Bill” was involved in the murder of 500,000 Haitians and therefore is not worth dealing with.

The Black Dragon Society had a friendly secret meeting in Beijing last week just as Geithner and Paulson were on their begging trip. The BDS suggested to the Chinese that the World Bank be allowed to continue operating following reforms but that the IMF needed to be replaced with a new organization, possibly based in Hong Kong.

The BDS also expressed worries about the constant military indoctrination of Chinese young males. China has 30 million surplus males and historically countries with surplus males have had a war like tendency. The Chinese assured the BDS their intentions were truly peaceful.

The Chinese were also curious about Russia’s intentions. The BDS suggested they were probably planning in the long run to fill Siberia with non-Chinese people.

Russia is clearly getting ready to fill the vacuum left by a weakened US. The airplane crash that killed the Polish President, his central banker, his top military brass and other anti-Russian leaders is a clear sign that Russia is taking the offensive. Poland is now likely to return to the Russian sphere of influence. Of course Russia will insist the crash was an accident but the new Polish leadership will nonetheless understand the consequences of being too anti-Russian.

The fact that Russia was first to recognize the new government in Kyrgystan is a good indicator this coup was also an anti-Washington D.C. move.

The Ukraine has also returned to the Russian sphere and the Baltic countries are headed that way also.

Other countries that made decisive anti-Washington D.C. moves last week include India, Pakistan, Turkey and Thailand. India is upset the US will not stop attacking it with proxies on the Pakistan border. Pakistan has said they no longer wish to cooperate with the war in Afghanistan. Turkey has also purged its body politic of Federal Reserve stooges.

In Thailand, Federal Reserve agent Thaksin’s red-dressed thugs were attacked by the military. There are also signs D.C. proxy Mubarak in Egypt will soon be replaced as well.
All in all, we are seeing dramatic changes in the global chess board that are only likey to accelerate in coming days.

A Washington D.C. proxy told the BDS last week they were going to start putting anti-D.C. Americans in concentration camps soon but the BDS believes this to be a bluff.

One clear sign the D.C. crime syndicate is desperate is the increasingly irrational and bizarre statements being made by President Obama. He is clearly a desperate man being pushed over the brink by events.

Another sign is that major corporate media outlets like MSNBC are now beginning to expose the criminal nature of the Federal Reserve Board.

In Japan, meanwhile, the battle for control of the world’s greatest creditor nation continues unabated behind the scenes. The most likely scenario now is for Prime Minister Hatoyama and power-broker Ozawa to be replaced in May by a cabinet led by Naoto Kan.

The military/yakuza/police establishment are continuing to pressure bankers to finance hitherto forbidden technology. Many bank chairmen are expected to be read the riot act in the coming week.

Events are definitely coming to a head but we must be extremely cautious over the coming days. Remember, what is closest to you is most important. Good news could be announced any time soon now but do not relax or let down your guard until it is truly over.


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