In desperation, the BIS and Vatican bank order assassinations but Mossad, the CIA and the Yakuza refuse to go along
The increasingly desperate gangsters known as the Bilderberg group, in a last minute effort to maintain their rule, last week ordered assassination teams to kill prominent truth seekers, including this reporter, according to CIA sources. In a related move Italian authorities have been trying to sell the $134.5 billion worth of bonds they seized even as they continue to prosecute an Italian gentleman with fraud for possessing these bonds. At stake is the survival of the Vatican Bank and perhaps even the BIS.
According to a prominent member of the CIA assassination squad the Pope and Prime Minister Berlusconi of Italy sent a nine-man assassination team to Japan headed by a highly professional 40-something assassin who goes by the name of Guissepe to kill this writer. The Yakuza, Mossand and the CIA all refused to go along with the assassination and it has now been called off, Yakuza and CIA sources say. These banksters seem to have had the mistaken impression that killing this writer and other whistleblowers would somehow stop the implementation of the new metals-backed banking system.
The Vatican banker directly involved is now wanted by Interpol and is on the run. He has been trying to sell, on behalf of the Italian government, the $134.5 trillion worth of bonds seized in June of 2009 at 10% of their face value. Meanwhile this same Italian government is trying to prosecute Alessandro Santi for fraud because he asked Italian authorities to release the two Japanese nationals who were arrested with the bonds by testifying they were genuine.
The Vatican Bank also approached the White Dragon Society with a promise of $60 billion a month (for saving the planet) so long as the new financial system remained under Vatican control. The White Dragon Society explained that the new financial system would have to be under the control of the people of the planet and not some secretive unelected group.
As the fiat (out of nothing) currencies known as the Federal Reserve promisory note and the Euro continue to implode, the families that have for so long ruled the world with paper money will be trying to carry out new atrocities. Since they are sun-worshippers, people need to be especially wary around the time of the June 21st summer solstice when sacrifices involving fire are required by their belief system. The explosion of missing South African nuclear weapons band the possible torching of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill are two scenarios to be wary of but this is only conjecture. Who knows what they might try next.
Once again for the millionth time (OK, I exaggerate but it seems like that) the Federal Reserve Board cabal have been trying to goad Israel and Iran to annihilate each other as an offering to Satan but fortunately, sane minds continue to prevail. The Pentagon is doing everything in its power to prevent this and other World War 3 scenarios.
The Euro will continue to be attacked via Spain, Italy, Hungary, the Baltic countries, Ireland until the Euro and the EU both collapse. The US government is for its part, continuing to prepare to decouple the US dollar from the international dollar.
Meanwhile, the Chinese have finished inspecting the gold to be used to back the new international currency and have invited members of the White Dragon Society as well as prominent financiers to Peking for consultations about the new financial system.
In a related move, the Middle Eastern Royal families are exploring the possibility of an alliance with European families that should eventually result in an end to the artificial attempts to get the Islamic and Christian worlds to fight each other.
The Jews in Israel will be offered complete security and autonomy in exchange for a permanent, fair, peace agreement. The Middle Eastern oil countries have also agreed on the need to phase out oil as an energy source and embrace the free energy technologies.
Preparations are being made for the release of hitherto forbidden technology including free energy, anti-gravity, life-extension therapy and more. We have also heard from two Japanese owners of new Toyota Prius “hybrid” cars that they have not had to refill their gas tanks once since buying their cars. This is still unconfirmed by Toyota PR but could well be the explanation for the recent attempts to harass Toyota.
In Japan, meanwhile, Naoto Kan has become the new prime minister but already Japanese secret government sources are starting to say his rule will be short. The latest scenario is to have Kan preside over the July 11th upper house elections and, if his Democratic Party of Japan gets a majority in both houses, he will then raise taxes. After this he will resign and be replaced by Panasonic (Matsushita) sponsored Kazuhiro Haraguchi.
Kan, however, has his own plans to extend his rule and increase his popularity by taking on the Japanese medical/pharmaceutical mafia. A DPJ member of Parliament involved in overseeing the Health and Welfare Ministry promises a revolution against evil Western medical practices. The cancer mafia, the vaccine mafia and the mafia gouging the handicapped will all be targets, the MP said.
The Japanese right wing defense/yakuza/police establishment, for their part, have lots of dirt on Kan and will no doubt try to generate scandals ASAP. They are hoping to unite various splintered right-wing groups into a new right-wing party that can give the DPJ a run for their money.
The people behind the Bank of Japan for their part will do everything in their power to prevent the DPJ from restructuring Japanese government debt that is now running at 215% of GDP. This problem could be dealt with within a week by means of redenominating the yen but that would mean the owners of the BOJ would be denied centuries of payments from the artificially indebted Japanese people.
As usual, there is a lot we are being asked not to report in order to prevent sabotage by the Feds.
The Bilderbergers have failed and are now trying to activate plan B
The participants at the just ended Bilderberger meeting in Spain are scared they are going to be identified and eventually hunted down, according to an inside source at the meeting. For now Clinton, Bush, Baker and the other Bilderberg Nazi’s are trying to cut a deal with China that will allow them access to large amounts of funds which they plan to hide and use to re-assert their power after the current political storm blows over, the source says. Unfortunately for them, this is one storm that is not going to blow over to and allow them to resume their plans for world fascist dictatorship.
Meanwhile, the White Dragon society is in discussions with the Black Dragon Society, the Red and Green, the Chinese government, the three legged crow and MJ12 about setting up a new meritocratic organization to take control of the US dollar away from the Federal Reserve Board. Plans are well underway and many technical issues have now been solved. Gold to back the currency has been tested and refined by China. There is more going on than that but for now we are being asked to keep quiet in order to prevent sabotage.
The Old World Order Nazis do not plan to retire quietly and are planning assassinations and other forms of mayhem. Although we have no direct evidence, based on their past behavior, it is likely they are behind a new disease which has started spreading in China.
They also almost certainly were behind the brutal murders on board the Turkish ship that was trying to bring aid to the Gaza strip. The Turkish government has purged the Satanists from their military, media and political world and as a result Turkey is no longer an ally of Israel. However, the Turkish government is not going to let themselves be provoked into starting World War 3. Instead, they are consulting with Russia, China and other powers about how to purge the Satanists still in control of the United States and Israel.
That purge is already beginning. The analysis of how the Federal Reserve Board and stole most of the US people’s assets and corporations has been completed in secret. While the initial audit of the Federal Reserve Board is only supposed to go back 2 years, that will expose enough to ensure that people demand an audit going back to 1917. This will reveal the network of related families that stole the American’s wealth and left most of them impoverished.
Meanwhile, the Euro is still headed towards disintegration and no amount of promises of fiat money to be financed by stealing from the European people over the coming hundreds of years is going to help.
The mass awakening of the peoples of Europe and North America is a genie that is not going to be put back into the bottle. The situation has now reached the point where assassinations, bribes and propaganda are not going to be able to work their old magic.
A Shinto high priestess contacted the White Dragon Society and explained there was an ancient link between Shinto and the people who wrote the first chapters of the bible. She says that according to thousands of year old Jewish documents held by some shrines there was split over the use of a certain kind of powerful incantation.
She says the people in the Middle East engaged in a ritual to “invoke the black snake.” If you do this, you get great power because every time you see a weakness in others, you exploit it to your own benefit. The problem with the black snake (Satan) is that while it gives you power, over time it leaves you isolated and friendless. This is exactly what is now happening to the ancient cabal that has been secretly ruling the West.
The Shinto side prefers to invoke the white snake and the golden snake. The white snake will give you great protection but not much in the way of wealth or power. The white snake in its present form is the world wide network of martial arts societies and morally upright military establishments.
The golden snake invocation will give you great wealth and a flourishing family but only if you follow proper ethical rules. If you get greedy, lustful, cruel etc. the power of the golden snake will wane, she says.
A new meritocratic organization is being set up to make sure humanity can stay on the path of the golden snake.
In Japan, meanwhile, Naoto Kan has been named Prime Minister. His government will implode unless Kan is able to announce a jubilee. For now, Kan is talking within the old financial parameters. He talks of raising taxes to help the country deal with its deficit. That deficit is already over 200% of GDP if you add up central and regional government debt along with government guaranteed private sector loans.
Raising taxes will slow down the economy and thus lead to lower tax revenues. So, if Kan does not wake up, he will put Japan into a death spiral.
The real answer lies in a debt moratorium. Much of the Japanese debt is owed to financial institutions that are in turn owned by people like Stephan de Rothschild and David Rockefeller. These people would rather leave the Japanese people indebted for centuries that have to write off their Japanese government bond holdings.
In any case, we are headed for very dangerous times as the end game approaches. The White Dragon Society has been asked by the Pentagon not to take any action for now because “something big is about to happen.” It may well be the American people and thus the people of the world will have something real to celebrate on this upcoming July 4th independence day.
However, as usual we caution that it isn’t over until it is over. People need to stay alert and make contingency plans for any eventuality.
Emergency evacuations plans have been drawn up for entire Gulf of Mexico region as secret financial negotiations head to climax
The Pentagon and US government have drawn up emergency plans to evacuate much of the population surrounding the Gulf of Mexico in anticipation of toxic rain and severe environmental damage, a military intelligence source says. The extreme environmental destruction and the deliberate failure to put an end to the oil leaks are all part of the dark cabal’s bargaining strategy since all they have left to bargain with now is the threat of mayhem. At the same time, a senior oil industry source has approached the White Dragon Society with an offer of $60 billion a month to be spent on saving the planet so long as the money goes through the Vatican, the BIS and the Federal Reserve Board.
The moves by the Feds, the BIS, the Vatican and the oil people are a clear sign they are at last recognizing the handwriting on the wall. The situation is not looking very good for them at all right now.
First of all, the attack on the Euro is moving ahead via the weakest dominoes. After Greece, the next targets of speculative attack will be Spain (already happening), Italy and the five Baltic states, according to a senior member of the Rothschild family. After that, the next phase of the attack will proceed against France, then England and finally the United States. The result will eventually be revolution followed by banksters hanging from lampposts as famously predicted by George Bush Senior.
The attempt by Germany to ban naked short selling is healthy in the sense that naked short selling creates volatility but ultimately, it is just a case of shooting the messenger. The underlying reality cannot be regulated away. The fact of the matter is the Mediterranean, British and US people have been living beyond their means for a very long time and their international credit has dried up. Each of these regions either needs to issue a new, devalued currency or else watch their economies implode until wages fall to developing country levels. A debt write-off is also definitely a must for all of these regions because the alternative is the politically impossible scenario of hundreds of years of debt slavery for these peoples. The debt will be paid in gold and the White Dragon Society has enough for all.
In the US, meanwhile, white hats in the Pentagon are steadily making their preparations for a major move against the Washington D.C. Corporation. The mobilization of militias and military outfits around the country are not directed against the American people, Pentagon sources say. Although as little as a year ago about half the US military establishment was ready to support the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate, that is no longer the case. The Pentagon has now told Washington they will not move against the US people. Furthermore, if necessary, the Chinese and the Russians will help the American patriotic forces defend themselves against Blackwater (Xe) S.S. stormtroopers should things come to a head.
The last source of Federal Reserve Board strength would seem to be their corporate propaganda media but that is just a paper tiger. All the Pentagon would need to do is occupy the main networks and newspapers and force them to do what they have long since stopped doing: tell the truth.
The Cabal that has secretly ruled the West for thousands of years is running out of time to reach a deal. What used to be a unified monolith is now splintering into increasingly small fragments.
As we have already seen England has split from the US, the Mediterranean countries are splitting from Northern Europe and the US is internally split too.
Furthermore, the Vatican is now split into three groups that are engaged in a vigorous internal struggle: Opus Dei, the Jesuits and the Vatican itself. Ultimately, the Pope will have to resign and the Vatican will have to reveal its secrets before this dispute can be settled by God-fearing average Catholics.
The situation in Israel is also coming to a head. The flotilla that is attempting to break the blockade of Gaza is backed by Turkey.
Turkey, once a strong ally of Israel, is now spearheading an Islamic movement against the Zionist state. This completely alters the balance of power in the region and makes Israel look increasingly like the Crusader state at the time of Saladin. Take a look at the amount of soldiers (including reserves) available to each side should things come to a head:
Israel 629,000
Turkey 1,075,000
Syria 536,000
Iran 3,675,000
Lebanon 85,000
Egypt 1,109,000
While it may seem premature to include Egypt in this list since they formally signed a peace treaty with Israel, Egypt is definitely headed for regime change. It should also be noted Turkey has a state-of-the-art NATO-equipped military Nor is the United States likely to intervene militarily on behalf of Israel given the current political situation in the US these days.
It should be noted that the offer of $60 billion a month to the White Dragon Society was made contingent on coming up with some sort of settlement of ancient disputes between the three main peoples of the book: the Jew/Protestants, the Vatican and the Muslims.
The solution is really quite simple to reach now that the nightmarish Satanic plan to enslave humanity is coming to an end: live and let live. If you look at the situation objectively you will see there is no reason for conflict between these groups, all the fighting and strife between them has been artificially engineered.
As usual, there is a lot we are being asked not to report at present in order to prevent ongoing, sensitive negotiations and preparations from being derailed. We do not expect any public announcements yet but we can say that this week’s Bilderberg meeting in Spain is being countered by a secret, extremely powerful non-Bilderberg meeting elsewhere. The secrecy is only temporary and is meant to protect people’s lives until the situation is ready for the long-awaited public announcements. Until that happens, hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
France, Germany and Holland are planning new currency to follow the demise of the Euro
The collapse of the Euro is now inevitable and as a result the French Rothschilds, who control France, Holland and Belgium (via the Freemason Grand Lodge de L’orient) and the German Freemasons are planning a new currency. Meanwhile the owners of the Federal Reserve Board have been caught trying to cash bogus financial instruments on three different continents in a desperate last minute push to save themselves. The new financial system should dawn soon and humanity will be free.
Last week German Chancellor Merkel finally admitted the Euro was a doomed and began preparations for a new currency. The Euro died when European leaders realized their $1 trillion rescue plan would never work because of political opposition across the continent. It is also now clear that a Greek bailout would have to be followed by a bail out of not only the other PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) but also the Baltic countries.
The Germans also tried to forge an alliance with Russia and China but Russia vetoed that effort which is why the Germans are now looking to create a Northern European rump EU to replace the soon to disintegrate EU.
The Europeans are all going to have to learn once again what it means to work and produce if they wish to enjoy the living standards they have become used to. They will still be able to enjoy good food and good wine but they will be able to buy less stuff from the rest of the world than they have been used to. The European people are also now reaching a critical mass of awareness about the true nature of their secret financial government so no matter what the banksters try to do, they will lose most of their power anyway. It is just a matter of time.
The new British Government under Prime Minister Cameron is not under Bush/Nazi control. This means the English speaking world, and thus most of the world, will soon start learning the truth about many things. One example is the government decision to start an official, open enquiry into the 7/7 subway bombings in London. Hopefully the revelations will go all the way back to King George the V so that people will learn what a cruel hoax most of the 20th century was.
The British people will also soon be facing a major one-time drop in living standards as their financial hallucination evaporates and their economy returns to reality.
While the European situation will continue to gather headlines over the coming days, the real center of the storm continues to be the US and its Federal Reserve Board masters.
The Bush/Clinton faction has been caught trying to cash bogus financial instruments all over the world. In Japan the three top executives of Mizuho Bank, including Chairman Sugiyama, were all fired recently because they refused to cash, for the Bush faction, some gigantic checks issued by their predecessor Dai Ichi Kangyo Bank.
The Dai Ichi Kangyo bank checks were issued by the Bush faction after they threatened to kill former Prime Minister Takeshita’s money man unless he handed over to them the rights to Dai Ichi Kangyo. The President of Dai Ichi Kangyo was also murdered as a part of this whole sordid business.
Prime Minister Hatoyama (who is a wimp and a coward) agreed to help the Bush people cash these checks. Even if they do, they will find them to be worthless internationally.
The other incident involving the Bush faction came in Europe where they offered a senior financier 30% of a different set of bogus instruments in order for help in cashing them.
We can also independently confirm the veracity of a Christopher Story report from last week stating that former Vice President Cheney was kicked out of a Bank of America Branch in Atlanta for trying to cash $2 trillion in bogus certificates.
Treasury Secretary Geithner and Fed Chairman Bernanke will be in China this week on yet another begging mission. They are going to be told the Federal Reserve Board has lost all credibility because of their long track record of murder, broken promises and deceit.
The Bush Nazi faction is now becoming an extremely dangerous, cornered beast. Their worst crime was to blow up the oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico and then deliberately do nothing to stop the oil leak. They also sank a South Korean ship using a North Korean torpedo in an effort to start a war on the Korean Peninsula.
Worst of all, they sent an envoy to the Black Dragon Society threatening to use HAARP to set off a massive surge of volcanic eruptions all around the Pacific volcanic ring of fire. This is the fourth time they have made this threat.
However, we hear from insiders at the HAARP facility that such an insane act will not be allowed to take place.
Three different members of the BDS have also been poisoned during the past week. Two of them are seriously ill but are expected to recover.
Meanwhile our sources tell us the CIA in Japan have now split into two factions. The BDS has been given a list of all the names of the drug dealing CIA/Bush faction in Japan. We will keep this list private for now for insurance purposes.
The Feds buy time (but not much) by calling in their last reserves
The Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate called in their last reserves last week in a desperate Battle of the Bulge maneuver to stave off their inevitable collapse. Their servants in the Bank of Japan and their partners in the European Central Bank and the BIS all promised to squeeze another $1 trillion out of their slave peoples in order to preserve and expand their empire. However, the effort is doomed for the same reason the Battle of the Bulge failed, they do not have the fuel they need.
The owners of the Central Banking crime syndicates have had their way for so long, they are still in a state of denial and confusion about what is happening. For so long they spend billions and trillions while their slave people were forced to use tokens worth tens or hundreds. The result was a complete disconnect between the realms of high finance and the world of the ordinary mortal. What is happening is that the ordinary mortals have woken up.
The so-called Lehman Brothers crisis in 2008 was the beginning of the final chapter for these criminals. When the Russians and the Chinese told the Feds to either pay the money they owed in cash or else face nuclear war, they threatened the Congress with martial law unless they passed the TARP bill to provide $700 billion. The problem is that they were talking $700 billion in real slave currency, not their imaginary fiat currency. Then since that bill passed, the corporate media slaves began doing some math and realized that TARP had ballooned to $23 trillion. Since world GDP is only $60 trillion, the corporate media and financial slaves began to finally wake up and realize something was seriously wrong with the world view being foisted on them. The numbers they are being fed no longer add up and they can do the math. This means the Satanic media and mind control grid is becoming increasingly dysfunctional.
That is why the markets were only fooled for one day by the promise of another illusory $1 trillion to be wrung from the slaves in the West. Instead of being fooled, the market slaves began to actively bet against the Euro. Gold, meanwhile shot up in value. This is the exact opposite of what the would be controllers were planning.
It is like watching a slow-motion train wreck. The Euro and the Federal Reserve Board are both collapsing in slow motion.
The new financial system is almost ready to go. As mentioned before the 90% of US dollar held by non-Americans will be backed by gold and renamed, now likely as Renminbi or people’s currency. The American Republic will be restored and they have already printed their new greenbacks. These will have less international purchasing power than Federal Reserve Debt notes meaning Americans will be forced to buy more American goods and US industry will once again be internationally competitive.
The signs of this change are now everywhere to be seen in the West. The Governor of the Bank of England, for example, publicly warned the US was headed the way of Greece. This was widely reported even in the corporate propaganda news.
The ever spreading criminal investigations of Wall Street also continued to expand. Now the rating agencies are being investigated along with the big Wall Street criminal institutions.
There are also signs of revolt within the secret enforcement establishment. For example, the Black Dragon Society was contacted last week by some Mexicans on the run from CIA hit squads. They said officials working inside the HAARP electro-magnetic weapon facility visited Mexico to warn the Feds were planning to hit Mexico with an earthquake in May. This means the workers at HAARP are starting to revolt, depriving the Satanist Feds of one of their last weapons.
Attempted new fake terror attacks are now being exposed by whistleblowers almost immediately. The latest case is the so called Times square attempted bombing which insiders immediately denounced as a false flag operation aimed at justifying further attacks on Pakistan. Pakistan’s ISI is no longer obeying the CIA as a result of this stupid maneuver.
Also, when the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate once again tried to order my assassination, I was warned by three different people, one in the CIA, one in MI6 and one in the Yakuza. The Yakuza promptly contacted the two would-be hit men and asked them (politely) to back off. The Yakuza now have in their possession a complete list of all top Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate cronies in Japan.
There is still much I cannot report at the present time in order to protect people’s lives and prevent sabotage. However, I can say that for various technical and logistical reasons the announcement of the new financial system is still going to take a bit more time.
In the meantime, please enjoy watching the demise of an ancient Satanic crime syndicate and the dawn of freedom for humanity. The day the top bosses of Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate, their cronies in Washington and in the corporate propaganda media go to jail is not far off.
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