Message from Benjamin Fulford


Posted by benjamin
January 25, 2010

We will learn this week if the Federal Reserve Board will be disbanded forever or if it will be allowed to survive in a highly regulated and restricted form. There is a January 30th accounting deadline coming up and no clear sign of how they will be able to pay what they owe. They were caught sending gold-plated tungsten to China in October and have until that time to come up with real gold which they are unlikely to obtain.

Their latest scam was to have the head of the Bundesbank steal large sums of money and then try to launder the funds through the Haitian central bank. The problem is that any money that is transferred electronically by them is immediately detected and stopped. There was film on Fox TV showing two tanks breaking into a Haitian Bank and soldiers seizing two objects for purposes unknown but clearly connected with the Bundesbank scandal. In a related development, people connected to Deutschebank contacted a member of the Black Dragon Society and tried to buy gold. They were told to buzz off.

There are many signs now, even in the corporate propaganda media that Federal Reserve Board rule of the United States and terrorization of the world is coming to an end:

For example, the Venezuelan government, Iranian government TV, Fox News and many other outlets mentioned the possibility that Haiti was attacked with an earthquake weapon. This sort of open accusation was unthinkable, for example, when Indonesia was attacked with the earthquake weapon that caused the tsunami there. In both cases US forces were pre-positioned with “aid” before the earthquakes struck. The names of the people who ordered the attack have been made public and there will be consequences. The days of mass murder with impunity are coming to an end.

Another sign is open attacks on the Federal Reserve Board on US Network TV, and not just on internet truth sites.

The sudden decision by Obama to start listening to former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volcker’s advice to restore the Glass-Steagal act is yet another sign. Having personally met Volcker many times, I can vouch for his integrity. However, this attempted death-bed conversion by the Federal Reserve Board is too little, too late. It appears to be a move by the David Rockefeller, George Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinski faction to separate themselves from the Bush/Clinton faction. This group is also engaged in mass murder and plunder and will receive no funding so long as the killing continues.

The other open sign of change is the public call by Senator Ron Paul for the overthrow of the drug-dealing CIA secret government. He would have been killed for making such a statement even a year ago. The take-down of the CIA appears to be happening via an investigation into why the Federal Reserve Board secretly funneled hundreds of billions of dollars to CIA-linked insurance giant AIG. The fact that the corporate media and the justice department are looking into it is a clear sign of open warfare against that rogue agency by other government agencies.

The Pentagon is sending a representative to talk with the Black Dragon Society this week. At our previous meeting, the Black Dragon Society made the following proposals to the Pentagon: First of all, all US dollars not created through fraud such as “derivatives” will be backed by the Renminbi and gold and renamed, possibly as Hong Kong dollars. After that the US can issue its own local currency, hopefully Kennedy/Lincoln style greenbacks. Third, US external debt will be written off in exchange for an agreement by the Pentagon to oversee a swords-to-plowshares transition. Fourth, the Japanese, Chinese and other countries will help the US rebuild its industrial base. Fifth, the US should convene a South African-style truth and reconciliation committee so that the people of the world may learn the truth and move on. We will see what the Pentagon response to our proposals will be.

Also, the Chinese Politburo will be sending a representative this week to talk to the Black Dragon Society. Discussions are expected to focus on the development of a new economic zone North of Tokyo in Chiba Prefecture. We will also discuss the possible uses of a specially prepared uninhabited island with a 2.5 kilometer runway. This can be made available to Taiwanese interests but for security reasons the BDS does not want the island to come under direct mainland control.

Related to this, there was a meeting last week at the Black Dragon Society headquarters last week to discuss future plans. Here it was decided to go full-speed ahead with the development of suppressed technologies and not wait for the Western world to sort out its financial troubles.

The BDS will also contact Japanese Finance Minister Naoto Kan with proposals for an overhaul of the Japanese financial system. One proposal will be to sell 1000 trillion yen worth of Japanese government held real estate and other property in order to write down Japanese government debt. Another proposal will be a redenomination of the yen so that, for example one new yen would be worth something like 10,000 old yen. There would be an amnesty during the conversion to the new currency in order to bring all the savings stuffed under mattresses or hidden for other reasons back into circulation.

A revamp of the Japanese financial bureaucracy and a return of something similar to the system used until 1985 will also be put on the table. Since Kan is expected to become Prime Minister after Ozawa and Hatoyama are removed, we hope he will listen to these ideas with an open mind.

We can now mention that the new head of the Black Dragon Society is Chodoin Daikaku. We will issue a statement by him on U-tube shortly. Daikaku heads the Japanese martial arts societies worldwide including Judo, Karate and Ju-Jutsu (with it subsidiary Nin-Jutsu). This writer is a spokesperson for the BDS and a conduit between Western and Asian members of the BDS. A third, un-named individual, is the deputy head.

In any case, it is expected to be a very eventful week and we hope to have good news to report new week.



Posted by benjamin
January 18, 2010

The members of the Bush/Clinton Nazi crime family made a fatal error when they decided to attack Haiti with an earthquake weapon. An international hunt down and kill order has been issued against Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, George Bushes Senior and Junior and General P.K. Keen among others, according to sources affiliated with various secret societies. This Nazi cabal sent a CIA agent to the Black Dragon Society to give forewarning of the attack. The agent talked about the Tsunami unleashed against Indonesia and said “the oil companies won a war and nobody knew about it.” Well, now everybody knows about it.

The Japanese Yakuza now know the Kobe earthquake of 1995 was the result of a deliberate attack and they are eager for revenge. The people of Indonesia now know the tsunami was a deliberate attack and they know who ordered it. They are also eager for revenge. The Chinese now know the 1976 earthquake that killed 655,000 people was a deliberate attack and are eager for justice. The people of Haiti also know who attacked them and will also seek revenge. Etc. Etc. There is now nowhere on earth for these criminals to hide.

It was not lost on the Black Dragon Society that the attack on Haiti came on the anniversary of the Kobe earthquake but the society has a policy of not responding to threats. If they think they are going to unleash a Tsunami against Tokyo and get away with it, they are truly insane.

The criminal cabal is also wrong in their belief that they will be able to grab more plunder in the form of “aid” for Haiti. This is not going to happen.

Meanwhile, new information about the Asian agents of the Federal Reserve Board can now be made public. The so-called “Ming” faction of the Chinese has in fact been thoroughly infiltrated, bribed and conned by the Federal Reserve Board faction led by David Rockefeller, Znigniew Brzezinski and George Soros. As always, these people reveal themselves through their actions.

When they sent the Emperor to Washington to try to cash giant checks for the Federal Reserve Board, they tipped their hand. Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa ordered the emperor to meet Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping (習近平;) as soon as he returned. When it turned out the emperor returned empty-handed, there was much consternation in China.

We have learned from Pentagon sources that many senior members of the Red and Green in Taiwan have been bribed by the Federal Reserve Board. In addition, the Feds promised to hand over Japan to Chinese rule by 2011 and offered Xi the job of “Emperor of the World.”

Ozawa himself is a deep sleeper Fed agent. He brought large delegations of members of Parliament from the Democratic Party of Japan to China. There, according to a member of one delegation, they were each put up in a fancy guest house occupied by 20 extremely beautiful and intelligent women. Most of the delegates accepted generous gifts of honey and money and agreed to obey “Chinese” (i.e. secret Fed) rule.

According senior members of the DPJ Ozawa personally selected or vetted all DPJ Parliamentary candidates. They were selected on the basis that they “must follow Ozawa’s manifesto like students studying a text book.” Ozawa himself is following instructions from the Federal Reserve Board. He is surrounded by two British, one French and one Chinese “secretary” who “handle” him.

Prime Minister Hatoyama is also, as mentioned before, a freemason according to his wife and a member of the British royal family. As such, he is bound to obey orders from the grand lodge in London on pain of death.

The entire farcical show about the fate of US bases in Japan is just a show for public consumption. The current criminal US government has already shown it has no intention of defending Japan by begging China to become part of a “G2” with the US. The US has already made a secret decision to relocate its forces to Guam.

Of course the Chinese Ming faction has been fooled into believing these criminals really intend to hand control of Japan and the world over to China in 2011. All they are really trying to do is buy time so that they can complete their plans for the mass murder of 4 billion people under the pretext of an “alien invasion.”

There have been countless attempts to force-feed this writer information about “aliens” and portals to other dimensions and space fleets and stuff like that. My answer has been to say this: Even if there is a huge alien presence on and around earth it is obvious then that we are under some sort of quarantine or else anybody could go to the nearest space port and buy a ticket to another planet.

Humanity must sort out its problems on its own and not just sit around waiting for help from aliens or some Messiah while the Nazis plan their mass murder.

These criminals who have destroyed Western civilization are so arrogant that they just cannot comprehend that their entire evil structure of domination is headed for an inevitable collapse.

The good news is that the benevolent forces working in Asia and the West are getting very close to victory. While all funds linked to the criminal cabal continue to be frozen, the forces of good are finalizing their preparations for the new financial system.

Once the new system is announced, there will be a move made against the Western media moguls like Rupert Murdoch to force them to start telling the truth to the people of the planet.

When people start learning how much of what they were taught as history was just lies and manipulation there will be great anger, bewilderment and finally joy in the realization that a horrific nightmare is coming to an end.

We firmly believe that world peace, an end to poverty, and end to environmental destruction and an era of unprecedented progress and prosperity will begin this year and not in 2012.

This year of the tiger will be one of the most significant dates in human history ever.


The desperate fascists running the US Nazi rogue regime are threatening to block the Gulf of Aden and cut off Middle-Eastern oil supplies to the world, according to Pentagon and CIA sources. This operation would be coordinated with an invasion of Venezuela aimed at securing US oil supplies.

This is why the US criminal government is staging fake “terror” and other incidents in Yemen and along the Venezuela/Columbia border.

In conjunction with this the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate staged fake terror incidents in the US in order to further humiliate and subjucate the American people with nude body scans. It is meant to send a message to the world that “we are a totalitarian dictatorship and there is nothing you can do about it.”

Plans for a war against Iran are, meanwhile, failing as are efforts to create regime change. The Bush crime family sold 12 missiles loaded with Neutron bombs to Iran in the hopes they would use them to depopulate Israel, according to a cousin of the deposed Shah. However, although Obama has been informed of their exact location along the Iraqi border, no efforts have been made to remove them.

Instead the US criminal government is concentrating on using Pakistan and a starting point for nuclear terror and world war 3.

These threats and others are in response to the ongoing arrests and judicial killings of senior Nazi supporters in Europe and the US and an ongoing cut-off of funds controlled by the Nazi syndicate. The killing of five associates of Nazi de-facto leader Henry (Heinz) Kissinger and the presumed death of Kissinger (he has been missing since December 12, 2009) has left Barbara Bush as the head of the Nazi faction in the US. George Bush Senior is now so senile he cannot remember what he said 3 minutes earlier. In conjunction with this CIA head Panetta has been silenced after he was caught trying to steal $1.3 trillion for Barbara Bush.

Panetta was also recently in the Philippines on a mission to get gold for the Federal Reserve Board via Fed agent Gloria Arroyo. The trip ended in failure and the $250 billion in gold backed bonds associated with that trip are now in the hands of a Black Dragon Society member. The Federal Reserve Board thus still has no pay off its debts with and it will never get any.

In addition senior Federal Reserve Board agents in Japan have been neutralized over the past weeks. The resignation of the Japanese Finance Minister and his replacement with noted bureaucrat-buster Naoto Kan is a sign of this.

As the Federal Reserve Board’s access to money continues to be strangulated, a power vacuum is beginning to emerge in Washington D.C. The latest scenario calls for both President Obama and Vice-President Biden to be removed from power. This would leave Nancy Pelosi as President and Hillary Clinton as Vice-President. However, that is also likely to be an interim arrangement.

There are still powerful forces pushing for a temporary military government to preside over a return to constitutional law and free elections.

In general there is expected to be continuous chaos along with new machinations by the dying Nazi regime over the coming weeks. The end of January will be a watershed period as various accounting deadlines approach.

The trial to determine if Obama was born overseas and is thus not allowed to be president is still due on January 26th. The judge in that case is a marine and is not expected to back down. Many expect Obama to be killed before the trial.

Meanwhile the desperate establishment continues to put out fake economic data to fool the brainwashed masses into believe that things are turning around. A US economic recovery is impossible so long as the US maintains a vast military apparatus that produces nothing of economic value. The US military budget is not coincidentally about equal to the US trade deficit and foreigners have all stopped funding the US deficit. In other words, the collapse of the Federal Reserve Board and the US criminal regime it owns is mathematically certain.

That does not mean they intend to go quietly into the night. The fact that fascist Bush stooge Prime Minister Harper of Canada shut down Parliament until March is an indication he is buying time based on inside knowledge of some sort of “event.” The Harper puppet regime ordered full body scanners long before the latest fake “terror” incident, proving their inside knowledge of the plans of the US criminal government.

In preparation for any contingency, the Black Dragon Society had a secret meeting last week to plan the future of Japan. It was decided at the meeting to activate Japan’s global sleeper network. This means all martial arts societies associated with Judo, Karate, Ju Jitsu etc. world-wide can, if necessary mobilize over 100 million fighters world-wide. In addition to that Japanese trading companies and other commercial operations world-wide can also be activated.

In Japan, meanwhile, an entire new political regime is being planned. It has been decided the current batch of politicians does not have any truly charismatic leaders. Thus either governor Hashimoto of Osaka or one of several private-sector geniuses in their 30’s and 40’s may be selected to lead a new government.

The Democratic Party of Japan is headed for turmoil and may not last a year. Power broker Ozawa is expected to be arrested on whatever basis possible in order to prevent him from becoming a dictator in the event the DPJ wins an outright majority in the upper house elections due this summer. There are also strong feelings within the Japanese secret government that the DPJ is too beholden to the Bridgestone Corporation and the Freemason Hatoyama family.

A hitherto reliable source has also, incredibly, said Japan’s emperor takes orders in secrets from a 600-year old “living ghost.” This is hard to believe but very reliable, senior people take the talk seriously. We will attempt to arrange a meeting to see if this is really true.

The Chinese politburo, for its part, sent a representative to talk with a senior Black Dragon society member recently and it was agreed the society would cooperate with China on an equal but independent basis. Further talks are scheduled for late January.

The announcement of the new financial system and the replacement of the US dollar with the Hong Kong dollar will not likely be made until these negotiations have taken place. There is also a need to wait until the global fascist network is fully unveiled and taken down. This will mean continuing arrests and judicial killings throughout January and beyond if necessary.

Next week, among other things, we will report on a meeting between a Pentagon representative and the Black Dragon Society.

http://BenjaminFulford.blog.Shinobi.jp/RePostOK/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Posted by benjamin
January 4, 2010

Although I have been trained as a skeptic and a believer in science, something so unusual happened this new year that I believe it must be an omen. On December 21st a group of shamans held a ceremony by a lake in the Philippines that locals believe to be the home of a goddess. The Shamans, including a revered Maori lady, also believed this lake to be a portal to other dimensions. Whatever the case, there was heavy rain and thick cloud cover as the group headed to the lake for a ceremony to mark a change in how Western civilization behaves. When we arrived at the lake suddenly an area of blue sky appeared immediately above us. All around there was still heavy cloud cover and rain. However, directly over our heads, in the middle of the circle of blue sky there was a new moon. Then on new year’s eve the world experienced an unheralded but precious event, a blue moon on new year’s eve in the West and a blue moon on new year’s day in Asia. A blue moon means a second full moon in one month. A full moon on new year’s eve happens only once in every two decades or so. For both to coincide is something that only happens once in many centuries. Thus I believe we have had a very auspicious beginning to 2010, the Year of the Tiger.

It is interesting to note that while the group of Shamans and elders was holding their ceremony to mark the clean-up of the polluted lake, Federal Reserve Board agents were in the Philippines trying to cash $250 billion worth of gold-backed bonds in a desperate effort to keep their fraudulent institution afloat. The bonds are fake and they would not be allowed to cash them even if they were real.

There was also a lot of consternation and angst in the Japanese secret government after it was revealed the Emperor went to Washington in an effort to get cash to finance the climate change fraud in Copenhagen. George Soros was almost certainly counting on this money when he offered $100 billion in “climate change loans” to developing countries. When Black Dragon Society members in Washington froze the funds, the Emperor was forced to confess to the Chinese vice-President that he had returned empty handed.

So now China has contacted the Black Dragon Society with promises to help finance a campaign to deal with the real problems facing this world: poverty, war and the destruction of eco-systems.

The Black Dragon Society was also contacted by the Kokuryu-kai (the name translates as the Black Dragon Society) which is run by the descendants and spiritual descendants of the founders of the original Black Dragon Society. We explained to them that there was no sense fighting over a name. We explained to them that when I was inducted into the Red and the Green I was asked to start a Western version of that society.

The Western group that sprang up spontaneously across the world has very simple rules: we agree to work together towards shared goals and we agree to protect each other if attacked. This Western group is now capable of mobilizing the British Empire, the Vatican, the Muslim world and much of the US military/intelligence establishment.

We explained to the Kokuryu-kai and the Chinese that the West would never submit itself to rule from the East and likewise the East should never submit itself to rule from the West. Instead we proposed a 50/50 partnership between East and West. There will be many key meetings in January to iron out the details.

There are now several groups with active plans for implementing a new paradigm to replace the one of endless war and genocide being pursued by the criminals who have taken over Western civilization.

One group centered on the British empire would like to begin construction of massive free energy facilities to remove salt from sea-water and use the resulting fresh water to turn the deserts green. This group is allying itself with the Middle Eastern monarchies and plans to work simultaneously in Australia and the Arabian peninsula.

This group also wants to pay the world’s deep sea fishing fleets to stop all fishing for two or three years in order to allow the oceans to replenish themselves.

A different group based in Australia but with powerful connections throughout the G7 proposes turning the deserts green by using etheric weather engineering technology. They also plan to start cleaning up the world’s most polluted sites using zeolite, an abundant mineral that absorbs toxic substances and prevents them from interacting with the environment in a harmful manner. They also have free energy technology.

A third group based on the US military-intelligence establishment proposes a 5-year swords to plowshares transformation of the Pentagon. This group has the potential to develop the over 6,000 patents that have hitherto been suppressed for “national security” reasons. One technology they possess is anti-gravity. This would make automobiles obsolete and allow roadways to be transformed into gardens. They claim to control technology that allows the creation of portals into other dimensions. They claim (we have not seen proof but have heard this from many credible eye-witnesses) that many so-called underground bases around the world are actual such portals. Hopefully we will soon be able to see if this is true. If so the implications are more than mind-boggling.

This group will no doubt join forces with the various “programs” and trusts that have been fighting the Federal Reserve Board for decades.

A fourth group linking the Vatican and Russia sent us the following proposal:

We are working with leading world scientists from top prestigious institutions in Russia, they are developing many innovations in the fields of energy generating (heat and/or electricity) using water as fuel, manufacturing new elements and isotopes from cheap materials, converting radioactive materials (waste) into stable condition, desalinating sea water to produce fresh water without any salted residuals, transmutation of poisonous materials into inert materials, municipal waste recycling, motors of higher power at lower consumption of electricity, special converters and transformers, earthquake prediction, New Approach Towards Understanding Origination of Matter and Energy in Universe from vacuum, many technologies for the nuclear energy industry that will be the top energy by 2050 according to EDF, and much more.

There are many technologies/projects in need of investment that are on the market, some that are about to enter in the market and some that need more years of investigation. At any time it can be arranged a meeting in the several prestigious institutions in Moscow or the Officials/scientists can go to Japan to make the presentations.

Then there is a fifth group based in Japan that is planning to build a major university/research and martial arts center north of Tokyo. This group plans to transform the Japanese right/wing and yakuza establishment into a benevolent society that will always act in defense of the weak and the down-trodden. The Chinese have already agreed to help this group.

Of course the new financial system has to be put fully online for all of these groups to get started with their plans. This in return requires the dismantling of the Federal Reserve Board and the corrupt Washington D.C. corporation.

On this end we are hearing from multiple sources that a special Interpol force in the US has begun arresting or killing all those who are still trying to revive the old financial system. This may have to do with why Obama is looking so old and haggard after his “holiday” in Hawaii.

There are several key settlement dates in January that may finally force the corporate propaganda media in the West to start revealing the truth. We will know the turning point has been reached when the brainwashed sector of Western society is finally told the truth by their corporate overlords. The arrest or judicial killing of CIA Director Panetta would be a very good indication of change.

Also, we need to see what happens when the financial markets open for the new calendar year. A member of the British royal family says there is a strong chance a new currency to replace the US dollar may be announced as early as January 6th.

The Black Dragon Society has also made the following proposals to the Japanese government and the Chinese Red and Green. First we support the Chinese plan to create an entirely new United Nations and base it in Laos. Second we believe that a Chinese dominated replacement for the World Bank should be set up in Hong Kong. In parallel to that, we propose setting up a G8-dominated world economic planning agency in Osaka. After that, all US dollars held outside of the US should be renamed Hong Kong dollars (or whatever) and put under the control of these three institutions.

Existing institutions like the World Bank and the BIS can continue their operations but they will have to start generating their own savings and become self-financing if they are to survive.

The various commodities exchanges and stock markets will also have to thoroughly audited and the systematic fraud they have allowed to take place needs to be exposed. This process has already begun with the Chinese refusing to honor fraudulent contracts with various US and European based financial institutions.

It is also important to set up a South African style truth and reconciliation committee to begin the process of uncovering the secret government that has been manipulating humanity for centuries. Much of our history and even our science is going to have to be rewritten and retold.

In any case, we believe the great global turning point many predict will happen in 2012 will actually begin this year. We are headed into uncharted waters but the prospects are bright indeed.


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